Ansiedad y estilos parentales en un grupo de adolescentes de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación busca determinar si existe alguna relación entre los estilos parentales
percibidos y la ansiedad en un grupo de adolescentes de Lima Metropolitana de nivel
socioeconómico bajo. Para ello, se aplicó el Instrumento del Vínculo Parental (PBI) y la
Escala de Ansiedad Manifiesta para Niños Revisada (CMAS-R) a 221 estudiantes de 16
a 18 años de ambos sexos que cursaban el quinto grado de secundaria en tres
instituciones educativas públicas en los distritos de Independencia, La Victoria y San
Juan de Miraflores. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la ansiedad de acuerdo
al sexo siendo ésta mayor en mujeres. Respecto de los estilos parentales, se encontró
una mayor Protección materna y paterna percibida en las mujeres y una mayor
Protección paterna en los participantes de mayor edad. Asimismo, se encontraron
correlaciones negativas entre la dimensión de Cuidado materno y paterno y las escalas
de ansiedad. Además, se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre la dimensión de
Protección materna y paterna y las escalas de ansiedad. Para los hombres de la muestra,
la dimensión de Cuidado materno y paterno se relacionó negativamente con la escala de
Preocupaciones Sociales/Concentración; y la dimensión de Protección paterna se
relacionó positivamente con todas las escalas de ansiedad. En el caso de las mujeres, las
correlaciones son similares a las de la muestra en total.
Palabras claves: Estilos parentales, Ansiedad, Adolescencia
This study seeks to determine if there is any relation between parenting styles and anxiety in a low socio-economic group of adolescents from Lima. Data was gathered using the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Children`s Manifest Anxiety Scale Revised (CMAS-R) for a sample of 221 students between the ages of 16 and 18 years, both male and female who were in the fifth grade of secondary in three public schools from the districts of Independencia, La Victoria and San Juan de Miraflores. Differences were found in anxiety according to the sex of the participant, being higher in women than in men. Regarding parenting styles, a significantly higher level of maternal and paternal Protection was found in women and a higher paternal Protection was found in older participants. Negative Correlations were found between maternal and paternal Care and all anxiety scales. Positive correlations were found between maternal and paternal Protection and all anxiety scales. For men, maternal and paternal care was negatively correlated with the Social Concerns/Concentration scale; and the parental Protection scale was positively correlated with all anxiety scales. For women, correlations were similar to those of the total sample. Key Words: Parenting Styles, Anxiety, Adolescence
This study seeks to determine if there is any relation between parenting styles and anxiety in a low socio-economic group of adolescents from Lima. Data was gathered using the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Children`s Manifest Anxiety Scale Revised (CMAS-R) for a sample of 221 students between the ages of 16 and 18 years, both male and female who were in the fifth grade of secondary in three public schools from the districts of Independencia, La Victoria and San Juan de Miraflores. Differences were found in anxiety according to the sex of the participant, being higher in women than in men. Regarding parenting styles, a significantly higher level of maternal and paternal Protection was found in women and a higher paternal Protection was found in older participants. Negative Correlations were found between maternal and paternal Care and all anxiety scales. Positive correlations were found between maternal and paternal Protection and all anxiety scales. For men, maternal and paternal care was negatively correlated with the Social Concerns/Concentration scale; and the parental Protection scale was positively correlated with all anxiety scales. For women, correlations were similar to those of the total sample. Key Words: Parenting Styles, Anxiety, Adolescence
Padres, Crianza de los hijos, Ansiedad en la adolescencia
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