Limitantes de la conducción del programa de vaso de leche y la gestión oportuna en la provisión de asistencia alimentaria en el marco de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño. Estudio de caso en el distrito de Matara de la provincia de Cajamarca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo conocer cuáles fueron las limitantes
en la conducción del Programa de Vaso de Leche para la provisión de asistencia
alimentaria en el marco de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño en el Distrito
de Matara. Estas limitantes fueron estudiadas desde la gerencia social de modo
que se pudo proponer una mejora integral en beneficio de los niños pobres.
A través de la presente investigación se realizó un análisis de las
percepciones de los actores sociales que forma parte del programa. Indaga
respecto a elementos como el liderazgo de dichos actores, la forma de provisión
que desarrolla, la focalización de los beneficiarios y la forma en que las madres
manejan los alimentos recibidos.
La investigación es de tipo cualitativa. Es un estudio de caso para lo cual
se aplicaron entrevistas no estructuradas mediante el cual se exploró las
precepciones y valoraciones de las madres beneficiarias, de los integrantes del
comité de administración y de los funcionarios municipales. Estas percepciones
fueron analizadas bajo el enfoque de la gerencia social con la finalidad de
corroborar la presencia de limitaciones a mejorar.
Las conclusiones a las que arribó el estudio identificaron entre otros
aspectos que la municipalidad, a quien se le encarga la gestión, no desarrolla un
trabajo coordinado, así mismo, siendo una responsabilidad del comité de
administración promover la participación de la comunidad, esta no lo realiza; de
modo que las madres líderes y las propias madres beneficiarias no se consideran
actores activos en el programa y solo son tratadas como perceptoras de alimentos.
En base a estas conclusiones y dado que la gerencia social busca siempre
plantear soluciones, la tesis propone soluciones dentro de las cuales es necesario
básicamente mayor integración y trabajo en equipo y que los beneficiarios -capital
social- den un giro a su rol pasivo para lo cual deben ser partícipes de su mejor
The objective of this thesis was to know what were the limitations in the conduction of the Glass of Milk Program for the provision of food assistance within the framework of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in the District of Matara. These limitations were studied from the social management so that a comprehensive improvement could be proposed for the benefit of poor children. Through this research, an analysis of the perceptions of the social actors that is part of the program was carried out. It inquires about elements such as the leadership of said actors, the form of provision that it develops, the targeting of the beneficiaries and the way in which the mothers handle the food received. The research is qualitative. It is a case study for which unstructured interviews were applied through which the perceptions and evaluations of the beneficiary mothers, the members of the administration committee and the municipal officials were explored. These perceptions were analyzed under the social management approach in order to corroborate the presence of limitations to be improved. The conclusions reached by the study identified, among other aspects, that the municipality, which is entrusted with the management, does not develop a coordinated work, likewise, being the responsibility of the management committee to promote community participation, it does not makes; so that the lead mothers and the beneficiary mothers themselves are not considered active actors in the program and are only treated as food recipients. Based on these conclusions and given that social management always seeks to propose solutions, the thesis proposes solutions within which it is basically necessary greater integration and teamwork and that the beneficiaries -social capital- turn to their passive role for what which should be participants in your best well-being.
The objective of this thesis was to know what were the limitations in the conduction of the Glass of Milk Program for the provision of food assistance within the framework of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in the District of Matara. These limitations were studied from the social management so that a comprehensive improvement could be proposed for the benefit of poor children. Through this research, an analysis of the perceptions of the social actors that is part of the program was carried out. It inquires about elements such as the leadership of said actors, the form of provision that it develops, the targeting of the beneficiaries and the way in which the mothers handle the food received. The research is qualitative. It is a case study for which unstructured interviews were applied through which the perceptions and evaluations of the beneficiary mothers, the members of the administration committee and the municipal officials were explored. These perceptions were analyzed under the social management approach in order to corroborate the presence of limitations to be improved. The conclusions reached by the study identified, among other aspects, that the municipality, which is entrusted with the management, does not develop a coordinated work, likewise, being the responsibility of the management committee to promote community participation, it does not makes; so that the lead mothers and the beneficiary mothers themselves are not considered active actors in the program and are only treated as food recipients. Based on these conclusions and given that social management always seeks to propose solutions, the thesis proposes solutions within which it is basically necessary greater integration and teamwork and that the beneficiaries -social capital- turn to their passive role for what which should be participants in your best well-being.
Alimentos--Abastecimiento--Perú--Cajamarca, Vaso de leche--Perú--Cajamarca, Derechos del niño--Perú
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