Potenciación del sistema de seguimiento mediante la integración del proceso de programación y ejecución con enfoque territorial para optimizar la estrategia de intervención basada en resultados de la GRD en la educación peruana: un análisis del año 2021 -2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
La atención ante el peligro y/o desastre nace cuando estos conceptos se
convierten en realidad y generan daños en la población; es en ese momento que
las autoridades, padres, madres e hijos se cuestionan cómo retroceder el tiempo
para prepararse, prevenir y disminuir los efectos del desastre. Al respecto, uno
de los sectores que cuenta con la mayor cantidad de población es educación;
así como es el centro del conocimiento donde a los estudiantes se les prepara
para un futuro incierto. En esa línea, nace la idea de poder realizar el proyecto
de innovación que muestre de forma cuantitativa y cualitativa la realidad del
trabajo que se viene realizando en el sector educación sobre el manejo en
gestión de riesgo de desastres en un trabajo que inicia en el nivel nacional y
aterriza en la comunidad educativa; con la finalidad de poder evidenciar los
esfuerzos realizados a nivel territorial así como generar insumos que contribuya
a la toma de decisiones de las autoridades de los tres niveles de gobierno;
considerando en el proceso el instrumento financiero (programa presupuestal) y
la normativa vigente en los años de estudio.
La intervención de la gestión territorial que el sector educación tiene ante la
posible ocurrencia del desastres se mide por el cumplimiento de metas físicas,
presupuestales e indicadores de desempeño, descritas en el programa
presupuestal 0068 “Reducción de la vulnerabilidad y atención de emergencias
por desastres” desde el año 2013 y la norma técnica aprobada el año 2019
“Disposiciones para la implementación de la gestión del riesgo de emergencia y
desastres en el sector educación”, con la finalidad de orientar las acciones de la
instancias de gestión educativa descentralizada (DRE/GRE/UGEL) y las IIEE;
bajo el liderazgo del Ministerio de Educación, en un trabajo coordinado con la
Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros - PCM, como ente rector de la política
nacional de Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres.
En ese contexto, la presente investigación identifica como problema el
“Deficiente desempeño de la estrategia basada en resultados de la intervención
de la GRD en la educación peruana”, que para efectos del presente estudio se
realiza un análisis del año 2021 y 2022.
Considerando que parte del estudio involucra un programa presupuestal, en
concordancia a la normativa vigente en formulación, programación, ejecución y
evaluación presupuestal, cuya rectoría lo lleva el Ministerio de Economía y
Finanzas - MEF; es importante señalar que la sustentación del presupuesto para
la intervención en regiones la realiza cada pliego presupuestal (gobierno
regional) en coordinación directa con sus unidades ejecutoras (UE – educación)
y que en respeto de la autonomía de gobierno, el Ministerio de Educación no
tiene injerencia. Por otro lado, la característica que tiene el manejo del riesgo en
el territorio frente a la ocurrencia de un peligro es multisectorial y multinivel lo
que conlleva considerar la complejidad del sistema para su intervención.
El sector educación cuenta con su propia organización descentralizada hasta
llegar a intervenir en la comunidad educativa, la misma es respetada para efectos
de la intervención como parte del sistema de riesgos; es por ello que el problema
identificado se basa en la “Deficiente intervención” y cuenta con las siguientes
causas: una gobernanza fragmentada, la deficiente articulación de los procesos
de presupuesto y planificación, la inadecuada gestión de un sistema complejo y
un inadecuado seguimiento y evaluación; causas que genera no estar
preparados ante la ocurrencia de un desastre; así como el desconocimiento de
los productos que la comunidad educativa debe contar para prevenir los efectos
de un peligro; y que a nivel territorial impide poder tomar decisiones acorde a la
realidad y necesidad de la población; a pesar de contar con una estrategia
financiera desde el año 2013.
El estudio concluye con la propuesta de innovación, que busca contribuir a
mejorar la toma de decisiones mediante un manejo de información de calidad
sobre la estructura y ruta de intervención que se viene realizando en el sector
educación considerando el enfoque territorial. De esa forma poder gestionar los
insumos de gorma coherente, para generar un impacto en la comunidad
educativa y en un futuro poder tener la certeza de la intervención disminuyendo
el impacto del peligro en las instituciones educativas.
Attention towards danger and/or disaster arises when these concepts materialize and cause harm to the population. It is at this point that authorities, parents, mothers, and children question how to turn back time to prepare, prevent, and mitigate the effects of the disaster. In this regard, the education sector, which harbors a significant portion of the population, serves as the center of knowledge where students are prepared for an uncertain future. From this perspective, the idea emerges to undertake an innovative project that quantitatively and qualitatively showcases the ongoing efforts in disaster risk management within the education sector, starting nationally and cascading down to the educational community. The objective is to highlight efforts made at territorial levels and provide inputs to aid decision-making by authorities across all three levels of government, while adhering to financial instruments (budgetary programs) and current regulatory frameworks during the study period. The territorial management intervention by the education sector in response to potential disasters is assessed based on achieving physical, budgetary, and performance indicators outlined in Budget Program 0068 "Vulnerability Reduction and Emergency Response to Disasters" since 2013, and the technical standard approved in 2019, "Provisions for Implementing Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in the Education Sector". These guidelines aim to direct actions of decentralized educational management bodies (DRE/GRE/UGEL) and educational institutions under the leadership of the Ministry of Education, in coordinated efforts with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), which oversees the national disaster risk management policy. Within this context, this research identifies the "Inadequate performance of the results-based strategy for disaster risk management intervention in Peruvian education" as a problem, analyzing data from 2021 and 2022 for this study. Given the programmatic nature of the study, aligned with current regulations on budget formulation, programming, execution, and evaluation, overseen by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), it is crucial to note that each regional government (gobierno regional) independently justifies budget allocations for interventions, in direct coordination with their executing units (UE – education). The Ministry of Education respects regional autonomy and does not interfere in these processes. Moreover, managing territorial risk involves a multisectoral, multilevel approach, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the system's complexity for effective intervention. The education sector operates through a decentralized organizational structure that extends its intervention to the educational community. Thus, addressing risks within this system is integral. Identified causes of the "Inadequate intervention" problem include fragmented governance, inadequate alignment of budgetary and planning processes, poor management of a complex system, and insufficient monitoring and evaluation. These issues hinder preparedness for disasters and lead to a lack of awareness among the educational community regarding necessary preventive measures against hazards. At the territorial level, this prevents decision-makers from responding appropriately to the realities and needs of the population, despite having had a financial strategy since 2013. The study concludes with an innovative proposal aimed at enhancing decision making through high-quality information management concerning the structure and intervention pathway within the education sector, focusing on territorial aspects. This approach aims to generate inputs that will impact the educational community, ultimately ensuring better preparedness and reduced impact of hazards on educational institutions in the future
Attention towards danger and/or disaster arises when these concepts materialize and cause harm to the population. It is at this point that authorities, parents, mothers, and children question how to turn back time to prepare, prevent, and mitigate the effects of the disaster. In this regard, the education sector, which harbors a significant portion of the population, serves as the center of knowledge where students are prepared for an uncertain future. From this perspective, the idea emerges to undertake an innovative project that quantitatively and qualitatively showcases the ongoing efforts in disaster risk management within the education sector, starting nationally and cascading down to the educational community. The objective is to highlight efforts made at territorial levels and provide inputs to aid decision-making by authorities across all three levels of government, while adhering to financial instruments (budgetary programs) and current regulatory frameworks during the study period. The territorial management intervention by the education sector in response to potential disasters is assessed based on achieving physical, budgetary, and performance indicators outlined in Budget Program 0068 "Vulnerability Reduction and Emergency Response to Disasters" since 2013, and the technical standard approved in 2019, "Provisions for Implementing Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in the Education Sector". These guidelines aim to direct actions of decentralized educational management bodies (DRE/GRE/UGEL) and educational institutions under the leadership of the Ministry of Education, in coordinated efforts with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), which oversees the national disaster risk management policy. Within this context, this research identifies the "Inadequate performance of the results-based strategy for disaster risk management intervention in Peruvian education" as a problem, analyzing data from 2021 and 2022 for this study. Given the programmatic nature of the study, aligned with current regulations on budget formulation, programming, execution, and evaluation, overseen by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), it is crucial to note that each regional government (gobierno regional) independently justifies budget allocations for interventions, in direct coordination with their executing units (UE – education). The Ministry of Education respects regional autonomy and does not interfere in these processes. Moreover, managing territorial risk involves a multisectoral, multilevel approach, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of the system's complexity for effective intervention. The education sector operates through a decentralized organizational structure that extends its intervention to the educational community. Thus, addressing risks within this system is integral. Identified causes of the "Inadequate intervention" problem include fragmented governance, inadequate alignment of budgetary and planning processes, poor management of a complex system, and insufficient monitoring and evaluation. These issues hinder preparedness for disasters and lead to a lack of awareness among the educational community regarding necessary preventive measures against hazards. At the territorial level, this prevents decision-makers from responding appropriately to the realities and needs of the population, despite having had a financial strategy since 2013. The study concludes with an innovative proposal aimed at enhancing decision making through high-quality information management concerning the structure and intervention pathway within the education sector, focusing on territorial aspects. This approach aims to generate inputs that will impact the educational community, ultimately ensuring better preparedness and reduced impact of hazards on educational institutions in the future
Escuelas--Descentralizacion--Perú, Gobiernos subnacionales--Perú, Administración de riesgos--Perú, Desastres--Perú, Gastos públicos--Perú
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