La prueba documental en los procedimientos administrativos sancionadores en el Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objetivo del trabajo es analizar si en la tramitación de los procedimientos
administrativos sancionadores la prueba documental no resulta ser suficiente para
acreditar un hecho limitando el derecho a la prueba.
Desde un enfoque cualitativo, el estudio aplica el método de análisis de fuente
documental, principalmente de la doctrina y de la jurisprudencia nacional, la misma que
permite contrastar los hallazgos y resultados.
En ese sentido, se concluye que la autoridad administrativa en este caso el OEFA, no
viene realizando una adecuada valoración de la prueba documental no escrita, debido
a que el otorgar requisitos complementarios como la georreferenciación y estar
debidamente fechados, no garantizar por si mismos que la fotografía no goce de
autenticidad, máxime si dicho prueba pueda ser contrastado con lo producido por la
misma autoridad al momento de verificar el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones, esto
definitivamente no permite que se garantice el derecho a probar con el que gozan las
personas naturales y jurídicas, máxime en un tipo de procedimiento que tiene naturaleza
The objective of this paper is to analyze whether, in the processing of administrative sanctioning procedures, documentary evidence is insufficient to prove a fact, thereby limiting the right to evidence. From a qualitative approach, the study applies the method of documentary source analysis, primarily from national doctrine and jurisprudence, which allows for contrasting the findings and results. In this regard, it is concluded that the administrative authority, in this case, OEFA, is not properly evaluating the non-written documentary evidence. This is because the imposition of additional requirements, such as georeferencing and proper dating, does not by itself guarantee the authenticity of a photograph, especially when this evidence can be contrasted with what is produced by the same authority when verifying compliance with obligations. This clearly prevents the guarantee of the right to prove that natural and legal persons enjoy, especially in a type of procedure that has a protective nature.
The objective of this paper is to analyze whether, in the processing of administrative sanctioning procedures, documentary evidence is insufficient to prove a fact, thereby limiting the right to evidence. From a qualitative approach, the study applies the method of documentary source analysis, primarily from national doctrine and jurisprudence, which allows for contrasting the findings and results. In this regard, it is concluded that the administrative authority, in this case, OEFA, is not properly evaluating the non-written documentary evidence. This is because the imposition of additional requirements, such as georeferencing and proper dating, does not by itself guarantee the authenticity of a photograph, especially when this evidence can be contrasted with what is produced by the same authority when verifying compliance with obligations. This clearly prevents the guarantee of the right to prove that natural and legal persons enjoy, especially in a type of procedure that has a protective nature.
Prueba documental (Derecho procesal)--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Perú