Estresores de vida y estilos de afrontamiento en un movimiento católico laico de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir los estresores y los estilos de
afrontamiento en miembros activos de un movimiento católico laico de Lima
Metropolitana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 136asistentes a las reuniones de asesoría
espiritual que ofrece el movimiento. Los resultados indican que la muestra puede ser
definida según cuatro grupos: Los directivos, caracterizados por el empleo frecuente de
diversas respuestas de afrontamiento; los evasivos, definidos por una mayor tendencia a
alejarse de las situaciones estresantes; los serenos, quienes afrontan el estrés a través del
equilibrio entre el manejo adecuado de recursos y actividades de descanso; y los
autosuficientes, los cuales se caracterizan por no buscar ayuda ante situaciones de estrés.
The present study had the aim to describe stressors and styles ofcoping in active members of a lay catholic movement fromMetropolitan Lima. The sample was composed of 136assistants to the spiritual assessorial meetings the movement offers. Results show that the sample could be described according to four groups: the directive, characterized by the frequent use of different coping answers; the evasive, defined by their tendency to evade stressful situations; the serene, who cope with stress through keeping a balance between good management of their resources and leisure activities; and the self-sufficient, who are characterized by not looking for help in stress situations.
The present study had the aim to describe stressors and styles ofcoping in active members of a lay catholic movement fromMetropolitan Lima. The sample was composed of 136assistants to the spiritual assessorial meetings the movement offers. Results show that the sample could be described according to four groups: the directive, characterized by the frequent use of different coping answers; the evasive, defined by their tendency to evade stressful situations; the serene, who cope with stress through keeping a balance between good management of their resources and leisure activities; and the self-sufficient, who are characterized by not looking for help in stress situations.
Stress (Psicología), Adaptación (Psicología), Religión
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