Estrategias didácticas desde las Artes Visuales para la resolución creativa de problemas en el tercer grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Frente a un mundo post-pandemia, las nuevas generaciones se enfrentan a una
sociedad que está afrontando la pérdida de la ilusión de control de su forma de vivir
a raíz de la Covid-19, por lo que la resolución creativa de los problemas es el recurso
para que las personas sepan solucionar problemáticas complejas del mañana. La
resolución creativa de problemas es un enfoque centrado en generar soluciones
innovadoras y creativas ante problemas reales difíciles en el cual la persona
desarrolla habilidades creativas y el pensamiento crítico para generar ideas flexibles,
fluidas y originales que les permitan enfrentar una situación adversa desde las Artes
Visuales. Para ello, las Artes Visuales pueden fomentar el desarrollo de la capacidad
de resolución creativa de problemas al promover habilidades de pensamiento que les
permitirá identificar un problema, probar estrategias resolutivas y validar las que son
eficaces durante el proceso de creación artística. En este aspecto, se suscita como
problema: ¿Cuáles son las estrategias didácticas desde las Artes Visuales
implementadas por los docentes para fomentar la resolución creativa de problemas
en el tercer grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa en Lima Metropolitana? El
objetivo general es analizar las estrategias didácticas desde las Artes Visuales
implementadas por los docentes para fomentar la resolución creativa de problemas
en el tercer grado de primaria de una Institución Educativa en Lima Metropolitana. Por
ende, se determinaron dos objetivos específicos: Describir el uso de estrategias
didácticas desde las Artes Visuales implementadas por los docentes para promover
la resolución creativa de problemas y caracterizar las estrategias didácticas desde las
Artes Visuales implementadas por los docentes para promover la resolución creativa
de problemas. De tal modo, el presente estudio es de tipo descriptivo y tiene un
enfoque cualitativo, puesto a que se pretende describir cualitativamente las
estrategias didácticas implementadas por los docentes. Estos docentes son los
informantes de este estudio, en lo cual participaron de la implementación de las
técnicas de observación y entrevista semiestructurada para recoger información. Para
finalizar, este estudio concluye que las estrategias didácticas desde las Artes Visuales
pueden impulsar la resolución creativa de problemas cuando los estudiantes son
capaces de describir, analizar e interpretar información extraída de las herramientas
visuales propuestas por la docente o encontrados en su entorno, y son utilizados para
perfeccionar sus obras artísticas.
Facing a post-pandemic world, the new generations are confronted with a society that is facing the loss of the illusion of control over its way of life as a result of Covid-19, so creative problem solving is the resource for people to know how to solve complex problems of tomorrow. Creative problem solving is an approach focused on generating innovative and creative solutions to difficult real problems in which the person develops creative skills and critical thinking to generate flexible, fluid and original ideas that allow them to face an adverse situation from the Visual Arts. In this aspect, the following problem arises: What are the didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to promote creative problem solving in the third grade of elementary school in an educational institution in Metropolitan Lima? From which the general objective is to analyze the didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to encourage creative problem solving in the third grade of primary school in an Educational Institution in Metropolitan Lima. Therefore, two specific objectives were determined: to describe the use of didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to promote creative problem solving and to characterize the didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to promote creative problem solving. Thus, this study is descriptive and has a qualitative approach, since it is intended to describe qualitatively the didactic strategies implemented by teachers. These teachers are the informants of this study, in which they participated in the implementation of observation and semi-structured interview techniques to collect information. Among the findings, it was established that didactic strategies from the Visual Arts can promote creative problem solving when students can describe, analyze and interpret information extracted from the visual tools proposed by the teacher or found in their environment, and are used to improve their artistic works.
Facing a post-pandemic world, the new generations are confronted with a society that is facing the loss of the illusion of control over its way of life as a result of Covid-19, so creative problem solving is the resource for people to know how to solve complex problems of tomorrow. Creative problem solving is an approach focused on generating innovative and creative solutions to difficult real problems in which the person develops creative skills and critical thinking to generate flexible, fluid and original ideas that allow them to face an adverse situation from the Visual Arts. In this aspect, the following problem arises: What are the didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to promote creative problem solving in the third grade of elementary school in an educational institution in Metropolitan Lima? From which the general objective is to analyze the didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to encourage creative problem solving in the third grade of primary school in an Educational Institution in Metropolitan Lima. Therefore, two specific objectives were determined: to describe the use of didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to promote creative problem solving and to characterize the didactic strategies from the Visual Arts implemented by teachers to promote creative problem solving. Thus, this study is descriptive and has a qualitative approach, since it is intended to describe qualitatively the didactic strategies implemented by teachers. These teachers are the informants of this study, in which they participated in the implementation of observation and semi-structured interview techniques to collect information. Among the findings, it was established that didactic strategies from the Visual Arts can promote creative problem solving when students can describe, analyze and interpret information extracted from the visual tools proposed by the teacher or found in their environment, and are used to improve their artistic works.
Estrategias de aprendizaje--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Arte--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria)--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Escuelas privadas--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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