Análisis de los criterios para el despido por impuntualidad reiterada. Hacia una aplicación adecuada de esta causal de despido
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis del despido por impuntualidad
reiterada conforme se encuentra establecido en el inciso h) del artículo 25 del
Texto Único Ordenado del Decreto Legislativo N° 728, Ley de Productividad y
Competitividad Laboral aprobado por Decreto Supremo N° 003-97-TR, con la
finalidad de establecer si viene siendo correctamente aplicado en el Perú a la luz
de los principios de inmediatez, razonabilidad y proporcionalidad.
Para dicha finalidad, en primer lugar, se revisa los principales pronunciamientos
jurisprudenciales al respecto a fin de establecer un punto de partida con relación
al criterio judicial frente a este tipo de despidos, donde se constata que el criterio
actual es el de la simple aplicación directa, automática y literal de esta causal de
despido sin ningún tipo de reflexión en torno a los elementos de inmediatez,
razonabilidad y proporcionalidad involucrados en los casos concretos.
En segundo lugar, se analiza la pertinencia de la aplicación del principio de
inmediatez en los despido por impuntualidad reiterada, partiendo del
presupuesto de que este principio ha sido relegado e invisibilizado de forma
indebida considerando que, a diferencia de los despidos por abandono de trabajo
y ausencias injustificadas, éste tipo de despido no tiene un parámetro claramente
establecido, por lo que hace más necesario y urgente darle la importancia que
merece el principio de inmediatez como herramienta para evitar el abuso del uso
de este tipo de despidos.
Finalmente, y, en tercer lugar, se aborda también la aplicación de los principios
de razonabilidad y proporcionalidad como herramientas fundamentales para una
correcta aplicación del despido por impuntualidad reiterada.
This academic work analyzes the dismissal for repeated lateness established in subsection h) of article 25 of the Consolidated Text of Legislative Decree No. 728, Labor Productivity and Competitiveness Law approved by Supreme Decree No. 003- 97-TR, in order to establish if it has been correctly applied in Peru under the principles of immediacy, reasonableness and proportionality. For this purpose, in the first place, the main jurisprudential pronouncements in this regard are reviewed in order to establish a starting point in relation to the judicial criterion about this type of dismissal, where it is verified that the current criterion is the simple direct, automatic and literal application of this grounds for dismissal without any reflection about the immediacy, reasonableness and proportionality involved in specific cases. In second place, the relevance of the application of the principle of immediacy in is analyzed for this kind of dismissal, based on the assumption that this principle has been unduly relegated and invisible considering that, unlike dismissals due to job abandonment and unjustified absences, this type of dismissal does not have a clearly established parameter, which makes it more necessary and urgent to give the importance that the principle of immediacy deserves as a tool to avoid the abuse of the use of this type of dismissal. Finally, and thirdly, the application of the principles of reasonableness and proportionality is also addressed as fundamental tools for a correct application of dismissal for repeated lateness.
This academic work analyzes the dismissal for repeated lateness established in subsection h) of article 25 of the Consolidated Text of Legislative Decree No. 728, Labor Productivity and Competitiveness Law approved by Supreme Decree No. 003- 97-TR, in order to establish if it has been correctly applied in Peru under the principles of immediacy, reasonableness and proportionality. For this purpose, in the first place, the main jurisprudential pronouncements in this regard are reviewed in order to establish a starting point in relation to the judicial criterion about this type of dismissal, where it is verified that the current criterion is the simple direct, automatic and literal application of this grounds for dismissal without any reflection about the immediacy, reasonableness and proportionality involved in specific cases. In second place, the relevance of the application of the principle of immediacy in is analyzed for this kind of dismissal, based on the assumption that this principle has been unduly relegated and invisible considering that, unlike dismissals due to job abandonment and unjustified absences, this type of dismissal does not have a clearly established parameter, which makes it more necessary and urgent to give the importance that the principle of immediacy deserves as a tool to avoid the abuse of the use of this type of dismissal. Finally, and thirdly, the application of the principles of reasonableness and proportionality is also addressed as fundamental tools for a correct application of dismissal for repeated lateness.
Despido de empleados--Perú, Derecho laboral--Perú, Derecho constitucional--Perú