Plan financiero empresarial - Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como propósito realizar el análisis financiero de
Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. permitiendo identificar oportunidades de mejora en la
gestión financiera para formular un plan de finanzas, que estructure e implemente las medidas
identificadas y mejoren sus resultados e indicadores financieros. La empresa se dedica a la
producción y comercialización de productos derivados del acero, registrando un nivel de
ventas de US$668 millones en 2015.
Esta investigación se basa en un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo, y
explicativo. Se aplicaron herramientas como los ratios financieros, modelos de estructura de
capital óptimo, modelos de capital de trabajo óptimo, metodologías de valorización de
empresas, y análisis de riesgos; que permitió describir la situación financiera de la empresa y
del sector durante el periodo 2012-2015. Asimismo, se realizaron proyecciones de los flujos
de efectivo y estados financieros de la empresa para determinar su valor y el correspondiente
precio de mercado de la acción.
El resultado del análisis indica que la empresa debe seguir con la estrategia de
reperfilamiento de la deuda; asimismo se deben identificar nuevas fuentes de financiamiento
que facilite el objetivo mencionado, así como reducir el costo financiero, permitiendo el
crecimiento de las ventas para los próximos 10 años. Por lo tanto, se propuso como plan
financiero la emisión de bonos corporativos en el mercado de capitales. La simulación del
plan financiero cumple con los objetivos planteados, presentándose mejoras en los niveles de
rentabilidad, liquidez, y estructura de pasivos, que se refleja en el incremento del valor de la
empresa y precio de la acción en comparación al escenario base
This research aims to carry out the financial analysis of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A., which identifies opportunities for improvement in financial management which enables formulate a new financial plan, that structure and implemented the measures identified, and improve its results and financial indicators. The company is engaged in the production and sale of products derived from steel, registering sales of US$668 million in 2015. This research is based on a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope and explanatory. It applies tools as financial ratios, optimal structure models of capital, corporate valuation methodologies and risk value, which enables describe the financial situation of the company and the sector during the period 2012-2015. Likewise make projections of cash flows and financial results of the company, to determine its value and share price. The result of the financial analysis identifies that the company must continue with the improvement strategy of financial debt. Also identify new sources of funding to get ease the objective, and reduce the financial cost and finances the sales growth for the next 10 years. Therefore, it was proposed as a financial plan the issuance of corporate bonds in the capital market. The simulation of the financial plan meets the objectives, introducing improved in the profitability levels, liquidity, and liability structure which is reflected in the increased value of the company and share price compared to the baseline scenario
This research aims to carry out the financial analysis of Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A., which identifies opportunities for improvement in financial management which enables formulate a new financial plan, that structure and implemented the measures identified, and improve its results and financial indicators. The company is engaged in the production and sale of products derived from steel, registering sales of US$668 million in 2015. This research is based on a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope and explanatory. It applies tools as financial ratios, optimal structure models of capital, corporate valuation methodologies and risk value, which enables describe the financial situation of the company and the sector during the period 2012-2015. Likewise make projections of cash flows and financial results of the company, to determine its value and share price. The result of the financial analysis identifies that the company must continue with the improvement strategy of financial debt. Also identify new sources of funding to get ease the objective, and reduce the financial cost and finances the sales growth for the next 10 years. Therefore, it was proposed as a financial plan the issuance of corporate bonds in the capital market. The simulation of the financial plan meets the objectives, introducing improved in the profitability levels, liquidity, and liability structure which is reflected in the increased value of the company and share price compared to the baseline scenario
Planificación financiera, Industria del acero, Planificación estratégica
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