Informe sobre experiencias en el área de Reclutamiento y Selección de personal en una empresa privada
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo evidenciar los logros de aprendizaje obtenidos durante
las prácticas pre profesionales. Estos dan cuenta de las competencias adquiridas para el perfil
profesional de psicología establecidas por la Facultad de Psicología PUCP, siendo estas:
Diagnóstica, interviene y evalúa, durante el periodo de prácticas pre profesionales realizadas
en una empresa privada de Lima Metropolitana. De este modo, la experiencia vivida durante
las prácticas pre profesionales ha permitido realizar un diagnóstico del proceso de
reclutamiento y selección de asesores de call center que se venía realizando en el centro de
prácticas. En efecto, se logró identificar aspectos de mejora en las entrevistas por competencias,
al igual que en la dinámica grupal realizada. En ese sentido, se diseñaron tres instrumentos los
cuales fueron: la guía de entrevistas de selección, encuesta de salida y la guía de entrevista por
incidentes críticos. Así, estos permitieron intervenir, conforme al plan de evaluación elaborado
previamente. Luego de unos meses, se realizó la evaluación de la intervención realizada,
obteniéndose de este modo un reporte de objetivos logrados, los cuales mostraron –entre otros
aspectos- la eficiencia de una guía de entrevista escrita, así como la importancia del onboarding
en el proceso de adaptación laboral. Finalmente, cabe mencionar que si bien una de las tres
actividades no pudo ser implementada, ello permitió reflexionar sobre la capacidad de
adaptación de la estudiante a las necesidades y contexto de la organización.
The objective of this report is to show the learning achievements obtained during the preprofessional practices, which account for the professional competencies acquired for the psychology profile, established by the PUCP Faculty of Psychology: Diagnosis, intervenes and evaluates, during the period of pre-professional internships perform in a private company in Metropolitan Lima. In this way, the experience lived during the Pre-Professional Internships has made it possible to carry out a diagnosis of the recruitment and selection process of call center advisers. Indeed, aspects of improvement were identified in the competency interviews, as well as in the group dynamics. In this sense, three instruments were designed which were: the selection interview guide, exit survey and the interview guide for critical incidents. Thus, these allowed to intervene, in accordance with the evaluation plan previously drawn up. After a few months, an evaluation of the intervention was made, thus obtaining a report of objectives achieved, which showed -among other aspects- the efficiency of a written interview guide, as well as the importance of onboarding in the process of work adaptation. Finally, it should be mentioned that although one of the three activities could not be implemented, this allowed us to reflect on the sense of adaptation of organizations to their context.
The objective of this report is to show the learning achievements obtained during the preprofessional practices, which account for the professional competencies acquired for the psychology profile, established by the PUCP Faculty of Psychology: Diagnosis, intervenes and evaluates, during the period of pre-professional internships perform in a private company in Metropolitan Lima. In this way, the experience lived during the Pre-Professional Internships has made it possible to carry out a diagnosis of the recruitment and selection process of call center advisers. Indeed, aspects of improvement were identified in the competency interviews, as well as in the group dynamics. In this sense, three instruments were designed which were: the selection interview guide, exit survey and the interview guide for critical incidents. Thus, these allowed to intervene, in accordance with the evaluation plan previously drawn up. After a few months, an evaluation of the intervention was made, thus obtaining a report of objectives achieved, which showed -among other aspects- the efficiency of a written interview guide, as well as the importance of onboarding in the process of work adaptation. Finally, it should be mentioned that although one of the three activities could not be implemented, this allowed us to reflect on the sense of adaptation of organizations to their context.
Formación profesional, Entrevistas, Selección de personal--Aspectos psicológicos, Psicología organizacional