Entre el deber de idoneidad y la discriminación en el consumo: análisis de la Resolución 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el marco del surgimiento o consolidación de tendencias sociales y su
inevitable influencia en diversos sectores, como en las dinámicas comerciales;
el presente artículo, pretende exponer uno de los escenarios controvertidos,
propios de este contexto, en el ámbito del derecho de protección al consumidor;
por lo cual, mediante el análisis de la Resolución N.º 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI,
se evaluará la problemática surgida a partir de la confrontación de una estrategia
comercial tradicional -en el sector de la industria de restaurantes-, frente a los
nuevos preceptos sociales referentes a la conceptualización actual de la imagen
y rol de la mujer en la sociedad.
Asimismo, como parte del análisis de realizarse, se profundizará sobre los
alcances y finalidad de las figuras jurídicas de discriminación en el consumo, así
como en torno al deber de idoneidad, las cuales devienen en relevantes a efectos
de evaluar y/o cuestionar un posible tipo infractor, así como la graduación de la
sanción respecto del caso en cuestión.
In the context of the emergence or consolidation of social trends and their inevitable influence on various sectors, such as commercial dynamics; this article aims to expose one of the controversial scenarios, typical of this context, in the field of consumer protection law; therefore, through the analysis of Resolution No. 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, the problems arising from the confrontation of a traditional commercial strategy - in the restaurant industry sector - against the new social precepts referring to the new conceptualization of the image and role of women in society will be evaluated. Likewise, as part of the analysis, the scope and purpose of the legal figures of consumers protection from discrimination, as well as the duty of suitability, which become relevant for the purpose of evaluating and/or questioning a possible administrative infraction, as well as the ideal penalizing will be studied in depth.
In the context of the emergence or consolidation of social trends and their inevitable influence on various sectors, such as commercial dynamics; this article aims to expose one of the controversial scenarios, typical of this context, in the field of consumer protection law; therefore, through the analysis of Resolution No. 2758-2019/SPC-INDECOPI, the problems arising from the confrontation of a traditional commercial strategy - in the restaurant industry sector - against the new social precepts referring to the new conceptualization of the image and role of women in society will be evaluated. Likewise, as part of the analysis, the scope and purpose of the legal figures of consumers protection from discrimination, as well as the duty of suitability, which become relevant for the purpose of evaluating and/or questioning a possible administrative infraction, as well as the ideal penalizing will be studied in depth.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Consumidores--Perú, Discriminación, Derechos humanos
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