“Ley de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres, factores que influyen en su aplicación. caso: mancomunidad municipal Simón Rodríguez – Paita”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la mancomunidad Simón Rodríguez de Paita, persisten situaciones de inequidad entre
hombres y mujeres, a pesar de que en los últimos años se vienen dando algunos avances en
la materia. Se encuentra además que los escasos avances responden más a iniciativas
externas que a esfuerzos locales.
La población percibe que el principal problema que se enfrenta por estas inequidades tiene
que ver principalmente con las oportunidades y libertades, en que las mujeres se
encuentran en una clara desventaja, pues encuentran restricciones tanto en sus hogares
como en sus entornos sociales.
En cuanto a la Ley de Igualdad de Oportunidades (LIO), se observa que no ha sido
debidamente difundida, pues casi en su totalidad, las personas, ya sean representantes de
organizaciones o autoridades evidencian que conocen muy poco o casi nada de ésta.
Las instituciones evidencian un claro desconocimiento de la norma y del tema en general,
además de no contar con la logística ni el personal adecuado y necesario para desplegar un
trabajo efectivo y eficiente en pro de la equidad entre hombres y mujeres.
Podemos afirmar que tanto las instituciones locales como las organizaciones sociales no
han desarrollado capacidades suficientes para contribuir con el cumplimiento de la LIO,
sin embargo, existen condiciones favorables para trabajar en pro de la implementación de
la LIO en el ámbito de la Mancomunidad Simón Rodríguez, pues el tema de la equidad de
género se viene trabajando de manera intensa por el Estado peruano, específicamente por
el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones vulnerables por medio de sus órganos
desconcentrados como los Centros de Emergencia Mujer; además existe apertura de
autoridades y líderes locales para trabajar el tema, sumado a la presencia de organizaciones
de diverso tipo como las ONG que apuestan por la superación de las inequidades entre
hombres y mujeres.
In the Commonwealth Simón Rodríguez of Paita, situations of inequality persist between men and women, although in recent years some progress has been made in this area. It is also found that the scarce progresses respond more to external initiatives than to local efforts. The population perceives that the main problem faced by these inequities is mainly related to opportunities and freedoms, where women are at a distinct disadvantage, as they find restrictions both in their homes and in their social environments. As for the Equal Opportunities Act (LIO), it is found that it has not been properly disseminated, since almost all of the people, whether representatives of organizations or authorities, show that they know very little or almost nothing about it. The institutions show a clear ignorance of the norm and the subject in general, besides not having the logistics and the adequate personnel and necessary to deploy effective and efficient work in favor of the equality between men and women. We can affirm that both local institutions and social organizations have not developed sufficient capacities to contribute to LIO compliance, however, there are favorable conditions to work towards the implementation of the LIO within the scope of the Commonwealth Simón Rodríguez, Since the issue of gender equity has been intensively pursued by the Peruvian State, specifically by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations through its decentralized bodies such as the Women's Emergency Centers; In addition there is an opening of local authorities and leaders to work on the issue, in addition to the presence of organizations of different types such as ONGs that bet on overcoming inequities between men and women.
In the Commonwealth Simón Rodríguez of Paita, situations of inequality persist between men and women, although in recent years some progress has been made in this area. It is also found that the scarce progresses respond more to external initiatives than to local efforts. The population perceives that the main problem faced by these inequities is mainly related to opportunities and freedoms, where women are at a distinct disadvantage, as they find restrictions both in their homes and in their social environments. As for the Equal Opportunities Act (LIO), it is found that it has not been properly disseminated, since almost all of the people, whether representatives of organizations or authorities, show that they know very little or almost nothing about it. The institutions show a clear ignorance of the norm and the subject in general, besides not having the logistics and the adequate personnel and necessary to deploy effective and efficient work in favor of the equality between men and women. We can affirm that both local institutions and social organizations have not developed sufficient capacities to contribute to LIO compliance, however, there are favorable conditions to work towards the implementation of the LIO within the scope of the Commonwealth Simón Rodríguez, Since the issue of gender equity has been intensively pursued by the Peruvian State, specifically by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations through its decentralized bodies such as the Women's Emergency Centers; In addition there is an opening of local authorities and leaders to work on the issue, in addition to the presence of organizations of different types such as ONGs that bet on overcoming inequities between men and women.
Igualdad ante la ley--Perú, Derechos de la mujer, Gobierno local--Perú--Piura
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