Retiros de fondos previsionales: ¿originados por pandemia?”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Mediante sentencia emitida bajo Expediente N° 00020-2021-PI/TC, el Tribunal
Constitucional (TC) declaró infundada la demanda de inconstitucionalidad
interpuesta por el Colegio de Abogados de Lima Sur contra la Ley N° 31192, Ley
que faculta a los afiliados al Sistema Privado de Administración de Fondos de
Pensiones el retiro de sus fondos.
Así, el TC estableció que dicha Ley no es inconstitucional, tomando en cuenta el
contexto de excepcionalidad originado por la pandemia, lo que trajo también
consigo una carencia de empleo a nivel nacional.
No obstante, durante la crisis sanitaria se han aprobado seis retiros de fondos
de pensiones en el Sistema Privado -algunos de ellos han sido de acceso para
todos los afiliados, sin considerar si se encuentran laborando- incluso,
actualmente existen propuestas legislativas que proponen un séptimo retiro.
En ese sentido, se plantea como problema principal si los retiros fueron
originados a causa de la pandemia y, en base a ello, poder analizar el papel del
Estado peruano ante dichos retiros, la relevancia de contar con un seguro de
desempleo que sea de acceso para todos con el fin de poder afrontar los
escenarios impredecibles, y que no se vea perjudicado el derecho fundamental
a la pensión.
Siendo ello así, se concluirá que los retiros se encuentran permitidos desde antes
de pandemia y bajo supuestos no relacionados con derechos previsionales, lo
cual se encuentra ligado con la falta de cultura previsional y el papel del Estado
respecto a su fomentación, así como normativa y propuestas legislativas.
Through Sentence under file N° 00020-2021-PI/TC, the Constitutional Court (CC) declared unfounded the unconstitutionality claim filed by the Law School of Lima Sur against Law N° 31192, Law that empowers members of the Private Pension Fund Administration System the withdrawal of their funds. The Constitutional Court established that Law is not unconstitutional, taking into account the context of exceptionality caused by the pandemic, which also brought with it a lack of employment at the national level. However, during the health crisis, six pension fund withdrawals have been approved in the Private System -some of them have been accessible to all affiliates, regardless of whether they are working- there are currently legislative proposals that propose a seventh withdrawal. In this sense, the main problem is whether the withdrawals were caused by the pandemic and, based on this, to be able to analyze the role of the Peruvian State in the face of said withdrawals, the relevance of having unemployment insurance that is accessible for all in order to be able to face unpredictable scenarios, and that the fundamental right to a pension is not affected. It will be concluded that withdrawals have been allowed since before the pandemic and under assumptions not related to social security rights, which is linked to the lack of social security culture and the role of the State regarding its promotion, as well as regulations and legislative proposals.
Through Sentence under file N° 00020-2021-PI/TC, the Constitutional Court (CC) declared unfounded the unconstitutionality claim filed by the Law School of Lima Sur against Law N° 31192, Law that empowers members of the Private Pension Fund Administration System the withdrawal of their funds. The Constitutional Court established that Law is not unconstitutional, taking into account the context of exceptionality caused by the pandemic, which also brought with it a lack of employment at the national level. However, during the health crisis, six pension fund withdrawals have been approved in the Private System -some of them have been accessible to all affiliates, regardless of whether they are working- there are currently legislative proposals that propose a seventh withdrawal. In this sense, the main problem is whether the withdrawals were caused by the pandemic and, based on this, to be able to analyze the role of the Peruvian State in the face of said withdrawals, the relevance of having unemployment insurance that is accessible for all in order to be able to face unpredictable scenarios, and that the fundamental right to a pension is not affected. It will be concluded that withdrawals have been allowed since before the pandemic and under assumptions not related to social security rights, which is linked to the lack of social security culture and the role of the State regarding its promotion, as well as regulations and legislative proposals.
Seguridad social--Perú, Pensiones a la vejez--Perú, Sistema privado de pensiones--Perú
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