Ansiedad, rumiación y fusión cognitiva en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación buscó conocer el modo en que la ansiedad, la rumiación y la fusión
cognitiva se relacionan en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana a fin de identificar,
específicamente, la asociación de las últimas dos variables con la primera, ya que dichas
relaciones han sido escasa o nulamente estudiadas en universitarios peruanos. La muestra
estuvo compuesta por 104 estudiantes universitarios, 77 mujeres (74%) y 27 hombres (26%),
de entre 18 y 25 años (M = 21.19, DE = 1.76). Tanto la rumiación como la fusión cognitiva
correlacionaron significativamente con la ansiedad. A partir de este resultado, se realizó una
regresión lineal múltiple para un modelo predictivo de la ansiedad compuesto por las
subescalas de la rumiación y la fusión cognitiva. Este modelo logró explicar el 58% de la
variabilidad de la ansiedad, siendo la fusión cognitiva y la subescala de reproches de la
rumiación predictores significativos. Además, algunas variables de estudio correlacionaron con
la edad y el número de créditos en el que se encontraban inscritos los participantes. Se observó
también que las mujeres presentaron niveles en las variables de interés significativamente
mayores a los de los hombres. Esta investigación brinda una comprensión más amplia de la
ansiedad en estudiantes universitarios, que podría ser de utilidad para el desarrollo futuro de
intervenciones e investigaciones centradas en la ansiedad.
This research sought to study the relationship between anxiety, rumination and cognitive fusion in university students from Metropolitan Lima in order to identify, specifically, the association of the last two variables with the first, since these relationships have been little or not studied in Peruvian university students. The sample consisted of 104 university students, 77 women (74%) and 27 men (26%), between 18 and 25 years old (M = 21.19, SD = 1.76). Both rumination and cognitive fusion correlated significantly with anxiety. Based on this result, a multiple linear regression was performed for a predictive model of anxiety composed of the rumination subscales and cognitive fusion. This model was able to explain 58% of the variability of anxiety, with cognitive fusion and the rumination brooding subscale being significant predictors. In addition, some study variables correlated with age and the number of credits in which the participants were enrolled. It was also observed that women presented significantly higher levels of the variables of interest than those of men. This research provides a broader understanding of anxiety in college students, which could be useful for future development of anxiety-focused research and interventions.
This research sought to study the relationship between anxiety, rumination and cognitive fusion in university students from Metropolitan Lima in order to identify, specifically, the association of the last two variables with the first, since these relationships have been little or not studied in Peruvian university students. The sample consisted of 104 university students, 77 women (74%) and 27 men (26%), between 18 and 25 years old (M = 21.19, SD = 1.76). Both rumination and cognitive fusion correlated significantly with anxiety. Based on this result, a multiple linear regression was performed for a predictive model of anxiety composed of the rumination subscales and cognitive fusion. This model was able to explain 58% of the variability of anxiety, with cognitive fusion and the rumination brooding subscale being significant predictors. In addition, some study variables correlated with age and the number of credits in which the participants were enrolled. It was also observed that women presented significantly higher levels of the variables of interest than those of men. This research provides a broader understanding of anxiety in college students, which could be useful for future development of anxiety-focused research and interventions.
Ansiedad, Estudiantes universitarios--Aspectos psicológicos, Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones
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