Sistema de monitoreo ágil para mejorar la articulación interinstitucional en la implementación del “Protocolo interinstitucional de acción frente al feminicidio, tentativa de feminicidio y violencia de pareja de alto riesgo” en la atención de víctimas indirectas de feminicidio en Lima Metropolitana entre los años 2018 y 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Al interior del Código Penal peruano, existe un delito tipificado a favor de la vida y salud
de las mujeres, que responde a la prevalencia y preocupante magnitud de la más grave
expresión de la violencia hacia ellas: el feminicidio. En el cuerpo normativo peruano, se
ha descrito como “pluriofensivo” porque su impacto genera víctimas más allá de la
afectada principal: “indirectas”, “colaterales” o “invisibles”. Este es el resultado de la
progresión de la violencia en formas explícitas, sutiles, siendo sus principales factores
asociados el sistema de creencias y prácticas culturales patriarcales y las relaciones de
desigualdad que le otorgan poder a un género sobre otro. En atención a este fenómeno
social, el Estado peruano cuenta con distintos dispositivos legales que abordan el tema,
siendo el principal el “Protocolo Interinstitucional de Acción frente al Feminicidio,
tentativa de feminicidio y violencia de pareja de alto riesgo”, actualizado mediante
Decreto Supremo N°004-2018- MIMP (MIMP, 2018). El mecanismo para articular a las
entidades del Estado con competencias y responsabilidades en el protocolo es la
Estrategia Te Acompañamos, implementada por el Programa Nacional para la
Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres e Integrantes del Grupo
Familiar (AURORA) del Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP).
El protocolo tiene tres líneas de actuación, entre las que se encuentra la articulación y
coordinación del MIMP con entidades públicas. Su rol implica generar las condiciones
necesarias para permitir el involucramiento en los programas; así como cuidar las
necesidades de las víctimas con atenciones dignas y pertinentes. En este marco el
proyecto identifica como problema inicial la ineficacia de servicios orientados a la
atención de víctimas de feminicidio, que forman parte de la implementación del
protocolo; específicamente, los referidos al cuidado de quienes padecen una
victimización indirecta, en cuanto respecta a las consecuencias psicológicas y sociales
que no han podido ser superadas tras la exposición a la violencia. De acuerdo con la
revisión bibliográfica realizada, estas consecuencias psicológicas del impacto extensivo
son la depresión, ansiedad, retraimiento, somatización y comportamientos agresivos;
mientras que dentro de las consecuencias sociales se puede identificar la reproducción
de la violencia en dimensiones de pareja y el refuerzo de roles de género productivo y
Con miras a plantear soluciones acertadas que permitan abordar esta problemática, el
desarrollo del proyecto identifica como principal causa de la ineficacia de servicios la
limitada articulación entre entidades del gobierno para la implementación de acciones del protocolo frente al feminicidio. Frente a lo cual, el presente proyecto de innovación
propone implementar un Sistema de monitoreo ágil para mejorar la articulación
interinstitucional en la implementación del protocolo en la atención de víctimas indirectas
de feminicidio, construido para proponer una gestión cuyas decisiones para la mejora
sean basadas en evidencias y realizadas de manera oportuna, generando así valor
público mediante la mejora de los procedimientos centrados, sobre todo, en menores de
edad, involucrados indirectamente en las consecuencias de este crimen de género, que
merecen de manera urgente una atención integral.
Within the Peruvian Criminal Code, there is a criminal offense in favor of the life and health of women, which responds to the prevalence and worrying magnitude of the most serious expression of violence against them: femicide. in the Peruvian regulatory body, it has been described as "multi-offensive" because its impact generates victims beyond the main affected: "indirect", "collateral" or "invisible". This is the result of the progression of violence in explicit and subtle forms, its main factors associated with the patriarchal belief system and cultural practices and the unequal relations that give power to one gender over another. In response to this social phenomenon, the Peruvian State has different legal provisions that address the issue, the main one being the "Interinstitutional Protocol of Action against Femicide, attempted femicide and high-risk partner violence", updated by Supreme Decree N° 004-2018- MIMP (MIMP, 2018). The mechanism to articulate the State entities with competences and responsibilities in the protocol is the Strategy We Accompany You, implemented by the National Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Violence against Women and Members of the Family Group (AURORA) of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP). The protocol has three lines of action, among which is the articulation and coordination of the MIMP with public entities. Their role involves generating the necessary conditions to allow involvement in the programs; as well as taking care of the needs of the victims with dignified and pertinent care. In this framework, the project identifies as an initial problem the inefficiency of services aimed at caring for victims of femicide, which are part of the implementation of the protocol; specifically, those referring to the care of those who suffer indirect victimization, in regards to the psychological and social consequences that could not be overcome after exposure to violence. According to the bibliographic review carried out, these psychological consequences of the extensive impact are depression, anxiety, withdrawal, somatization and aggressive behaviors; while within the social consequences it is possible to identify the reproduction of violence in couple dimensions and the reinforcement of productive and reproductive gender roles. With a view to proposing correct solutions that allow addressing this problem, the development of the project identifies the limited articulation between government entities for the implementation of protocol actions against femicide as the main cause of the ineffectiveness of services. Faced with which, this innovation project proposes to implement an agile monitoring system to improve inter-institutional articulation in the implementation of the protocol in the care of indirect victims of femicide, built to propose a management whose decisions for improvement are based on evidence. and carried out in a timely manner, thus generating public value by improving procedures focused, above all, on minors, indirectly involved in the consequences of this gender crime, who urgently deserve comprehensive attention.
Within the Peruvian Criminal Code, there is a criminal offense in favor of the life and health of women, which responds to the prevalence and worrying magnitude of the most serious expression of violence against them: femicide. in the Peruvian regulatory body, it has been described as "multi-offensive" because its impact generates victims beyond the main affected: "indirect", "collateral" or "invisible". This is the result of the progression of violence in explicit and subtle forms, its main factors associated with the patriarchal belief system and cultural practices and the unequal relations that give power to one gender over another. In response to this social phenomenon, the Peruvian State has different legal provisions that address the issue, the main one being the "Interinstitutional Protocol of Action against Femicide, attempted femicide and high-risk partner violence", updated by Supreme Decree N° 004-2018- MIMP (MIMP, 2018). The mechanism to articulate the State entities with competences and responsibilities in the protocol is the Strategy We Accompany You, implemented by the National Program for the Prevention and Eradication of Violence against Women and Members of the Family Group (AURORA) of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP). The protocol has three lines of action, among which is the articulation and coordination of the MIMP with public entities. Their role involves generating the necessary conditions to allow involvement in the programs; as well as taking care of the needs of the victims with dignified and pertinent care. In this framework, the project identifies as an initial problem the inefficiency of services aimed at caring for victims of femicide, which are part of the implementation of the protocol; specifically, those referring to the care of those who suffer indirect victimization, in regards to the psychological and social consequences that could not be overcome after exposure to violence. According to the bibliographic review carried out, these psychological consequences of the extensive impact are depression, anxiety, withdrawal, somatization and aggressive behaviors; while within the social consequences it is possible to identify the reproduction of violence in couple dimensions and the reinforcement of productive and reproductive gender roles. With a view to proposing correct solutions that allow addressing this problem, the development of the project identifies the limited articulation between government entities for the implementation of protocol actions against femicide as the main cause of the ineffectiveness of services. Faced with which, this innovation project proposes to implement an agile monitoring system to improve inter-institutional articulation in the implementation of the protocol in the care of indirect victims of femicide, built to propose a management whose decisions for improvement are based on evidence. and carried out in a timely manner, thus generating public value by improving procedures focused, above all, on minors, indirectly involved in the consequences of this gender crime, who urgently deserve comprehensive attention.
Perú. Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, Mujeres--Crímenes contra--Perú, Administración pública--Perú, Derechos de la mujer--Perú
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