Frutidust: propuesta de recuperación y valorización de cáscara de naranja para generar cultura de reúso en materiales orgánicos en adultos económicamente activos de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Lima Metropolitana se tiene un deficiente sistema de aprovechamiento de residuos orgánicos, ya
que solo el 0.18% se llega a valorar, lo que ocasiona contaminación ambiental en áreas
urbanizadas. Debido al COVID-19, se generó un alto crecimiento de servicios de bebidas, en
específico de juguerías tradicionales. Negocios de alta generación de mermas aprovechables de
cáscara de naranja. El problema no solo es en casa, sino en mercados, donde a pesar del
conocimiento sobre el manejo de residuos en los ciudadanos y acciones del Estado, dicha situación
no ha mejorado. Por ello, para el desarrollo de la propuesta se considerará usuario final,
recicladores, dueños de pequeños negocios, entidades del estado, el contexto, tratamiento y
disposición final para así cerrar el ciclo de vida de la naranja. La revalorización de mermas tendría
un impacto en distintos niveles del sistema, por lo que se toma como eje teórico conceptos de
diseño sostenible y las propiedades de la cáscara de naranja. El fin es disminuir la presencia de
residuos orgánicos en Lima Metropolitana e incentivar su investigación a través de la exploración
del material y aplicación en productos comerciales.
The deficient organic waste system and disposal methods in Metropolitan Lima causes environmental contamination in urbanized areas, where only 0.18% waste is valued. Due to COVID-19, traditional markets have experienced a growth of beverage services. Businesses with a high generation of orange peel throw away this valuable organic waste . The problem is all around the city, from residential streets to markets. Despite citizens' awareness of waste management and State actions, this situation has not improved. Therefore, this project considered the end user, recyclers, small business owners, state entities, the context, treatment and final disposal in order to close the orange's life cycle. The revaluation of oranges peels would have an impact at different levels of the system, which is why concepts of sustainable design and the orange peel's properties are taken as theoretical axes. The purpose is to reduce the organic waste in Metropolitan Lima through the exploration and application of the biomaterial in commercial products.
The deficient organic waste system and disposal methods in Metropolitan Lima causes environmental contamination in urbanized areas, where only 0.18% waste is valued. Due to COVID-19, traditional markets have experienced a growth of beverage services. Businesses with a high generation of orange peel throw away this valuable organic waste . The problem is all around the city, from residential streets to markets. Despite citizens' awareness of waste management and State actions, this situation has not improved. Therefore, this project considered the end user, recyclers, small business owners, state entities, the context, treatment and final disposal in order to close the orange's life cycle. The revaluation of oranges peels would have an impact at different levels of the system, which is why concepts of sustainable design and the orange peel's properties are taken as theoretical axes. The purpose is to reduce the organic waste in Metropolitan Lima through the exploration and application of the biomaterial in commercial products.
Residuos orgánicos--Tratamiento, Residuos--Aprovechamiento, Naranjas--Industria y comercio--Perú--Lima, Diseño industrial--Aspectos ambientales, Diseño sostenible