Informe de experiencia como practicante del área de Psicología Ocupacional en una Empresa de Bebidas No Alcohólicas en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional tiene como propósito reportar el nivel de
logro de las competencias de Diagnóstico, Intervención y Evaluación, las cuales son clave
para la obtención del grado de Licenciatura en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Con respecto a la primera competencia, se realizó un diagnóstico para identificar el nivel
de acoso psicológico en el trabajo. En lo que refiere a la segunda, se llevó a cabo un
programa de consejería psicológica para orientar a los trabajadores aislados por COVID-
19. Y con respecto a la tercera competencia, se realizó una evaluación de factores de
riesgo psicosocial intralaboral en el trabajo. Se debe recalcar que, estas competencias se
desarrollaron durante las prácticas preprofesionales en una empresa dedicada a la
creación, producción y distribución de bebidas no alcohólicas.
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to report the level of achievement of the Diagnosis, Intervention and Evaluation competencies, which are key to obtaining a Bachelor's degree at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Regarding the first competence, a diagnosis was made to identify the level of psychological harassment at work. Regarding the second, a psychological counseling program was carried out to guide workers isolated by COVID-19. And in regards to the third competence, an evaluation of intra-labor psychosocial risk factors at work was carried out. It should be emphasized that these skills were developed during pre-professional practices in a company dedicated to the creation, production and distribution of non-alcoholic beverages.
The purpose of this Professional Sufficiency Work is to report the level of achievement of the Diagnosis, Intervention and Evaluation competencies, which are key to obtaining a Bachelor's degree at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Regarding the first competence, a diagnosis was made to identify the level of psychological harassment at work. Regarding the second, a psychological counseling program was carried out to guide workers isolated by COVID-19. And in regards to the third competence, an evaluation of intra-labor psychosocial risk factors at work was carried out. It should be emphasized that these skills were developed during pre-professional practices in a company dedicated to the creation, production and distribution of non-alcoholic beverages.
Riesgos psicosociales--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Acoso--Aspectos psicológicos, Orientación psicológica--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Empresas -Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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