Análisis financiero con valorización de la empresa sociedad minera Cerro Verde S.A.A
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio busca como objetivo realizar un análisis financiero integral y determinar
el valor real de Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde (SCMV). Opera como una de las minas de
cobre a cielo abierto más grandes del mundo, localizada en la región de Arequipa, Perú. A
nivel mundial el cobre sigue siendo un recurso de alta demanda, esto debido e impulsado por
la industria eléctrica, construcción y la parte tecnológica.
El análisis parte de un estudio económico global y peruano donde el sector minero es
uno de los pilares fundamentales de la economía del país.
Desde la perspectiva financiera, los análisis de SMCV muestran sus ratios de liquidez,
solvencia y rentabilidad una situación estable, en la política de dividendos han sido estables,
manteniendo una distribución hacia los accionistas.
El estudio también incluye una evaluación a los estados financieros de SCMV y
proyección de ingresos futuros. Utilizando el método de flujos de caja descontados, se
proyecta un valor significativo, basado en la capacidad de generar ingresos sostenibles
La compañía por el lado de riesgos, se identifica los asociados a la operación, como
exposición a fluctuaciones de precios, riesgos regulatorios, sociales y dependencia de
mercados internacionales, las cuales son mitigadas mediante estrategias adecuadas de gestión
y diversificación.
Finalmente podemos concluir que SMCV destaca como un actor clave en la industria
minera peruana, con solida capacidad operativa y financiera. Se posiciona como una
inversión atractiva para aquellos que buscan participar en el crecimiento del sector minero.
Su capacidad de adaptación y compromiso con la sostenibilidad, la convierten en una
empresa con futuro prometedor, ofreciendo excelentes perspectivas de creación de valor a
largo plazo.
This study aims to coduct a comprehensive financial analysis and determine the real
value of Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde (SMCV). It operates one of the largest open-pit
copper mines in the world, located in the Arequipa región, Perú. Globally, copper remains a
high-demand resource, driven by the electrical, construction, and technological industries.
The analysis starts with a global Peruvian economic study, where the mining sector in
one of the fundamental pillars of the country ́s economy.
From a financial perspective, SMCV ́s analysis shows stable liquitidy, solvency, and
profitability ratios. The dividend policy has aslo been stable, maintaing a consistent
dsitribution to shareholders.
The study aslo includes an evaluations of SMCV ́s financial statements and future
revenue projections. Using the discounted cash flow (DFC) method, a significant value is
projected, based on the company ́s ability to generate sustainable future income.
Regarding risks, the company identifies operational risks such as exposure to price
fluctuations, regulatory and social risks, and dependency on international markets. These are
mitigated through appropiate management and diversification strategies.
In conclusion, SMCV stans out a key player in the Peruvian mining industry, with
operational and financial capabilities. It positions itself as an attractive investment for those
looking to participate in the growth of tge mining sector. Its adaptability and commintment to
sustainability make it a promising company, offeing excelente long-term value creation
This study aims to coduct a comprehensive financial analysis and determine the real value of Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde (SMCV). It operates one of the largest open-pit copper mines in the world, located in the Arequipa región, Perú. Globally, copper remains a high-demand resource, driven by the electrical, construction, and technological industries. The analysis starts with a global Peruvian economic study, where the mining sector in one of the fundamental pillars of the country ́s economy. From a financial perspective, SMCV ́s analysis shows stable liquitidy, solvency, and profitability ratios. The dividend policy has aslo been stable, maintaing a consistent dsitribution to shareholders. The study aslo includes an evaluations of SMCV ́s financial statements and future revenue projections. Using the discounted cash flow (DFC) method, a significant value is projected, based on the company ́s ability to generate sustainable future income. Regarding risks, the company identifies operational risks such as exposure to price fluctuations, regulatory and social risks, and dependency on international markets. These are mitigated through appropiate management and diversification strategies. In conclusion, SMCV stans out a key player in the Peruvian mining industry, with operational and financial capabilities. It positions itself as an attractive investment for those looking to participate in the growth of tge mining sector. Its adaptability and commintment to sustainability make it a promising company, offeing excelente long-term value creation prospects.
This study aims to coduct a comprehensive financial analysis and determine the real value of Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde (SMCV). It operates one of the largest open-pit copper mines in the world, located in the Arequipa región, Perú. Globally, copper remains a high-demand resource, driven by the electrical, construction, and technological industries. The analysis starts with a global Peruvian economic study, where the mining sector in one of the fundamental pillars of the country ́s economy. From a financial perspective, SMCV ́s analysis shows stable liquitidy, solvency, and profitability ratios. The dividend policy has aslo been stable, maintaing a consistent dsitribution to shareholders. The study aslo includes an evaluations of SMCV ́s financial statements and future revenue projections. Using the discounted cash flow (DFC) method, a significant value is projected, based on the company ́s ability to generate sustainable future income. Regarding risks, the company identifies operational risks such as exposure to price fluctuations, regulatory and social risks, and dependency on international markets. These are mitigated through appropiate management and diversification strategies. In conclusion, SMCV stans out a key player in the Peruvian mining industry, with operational and financial capabilities. It positions itself as an attractive investment for those looking to participate in the growth of tge mining sector. Its adaptability and commintment to sustainability make it a promising company, offeing excelente long-term value creation prospects.
Análisis financiero, Indicadores financieros--Análisis, Industria minera--Perú--Arequipa
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