Transformaciones en la percepción de la Agricultura Urbana: un estudio comparativo antes y después del confinamiento por COVID-19 en Villa María del Triunfo y San Isidro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La ciudad de Lima, con su diversidad de distritos, presenta una variedad de contextos y
realidades. La ordenanza municipal N°1629 promueve la Agricultura Urbana como una
actividad con potencial para contribuir al desarrollo sostenible en múltiples aspectos,
desde lo ambiental hasta lo económico y social. Dada la heterogeneidad de Lima, es
fundamental comprender cómo esta actividad se adapta a las necesidades y
características de cada distrito. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar la
percepción actual de la Agricultura Urbana en Villa María del Triunfo y San Isidro,
analizando tanto sus prácticas presentes como su evolución desde el período previo al
confinamiento por COVID-19.
Para lograr esto, se emplearon entrevistas y encuestas dirigidas tanto a los practicantes
de la Agricultura Urbana como a las autoridades públicas pertinentes. Los resultados
muestran una percepción mayoritariamente positiva hacia la Agricultura Urbana,
destacando su potencial para mejorar la calidad de vida en los distritos estudiados. No
obstante, también se identificaron limitaciones y disparidades en el apoyo brindado por
las municipalidades.
The city of Lima, with its diverse districts, presents a variety of contexts and realities. Municipal Ordinance N°1629 promotes Urban Agriculture as an activity with the potential to contribute to sustainable development across multiple dimensions, including environmental, economic, and social aspects. Given Lima’s heterogeneity, it is crucial to understand how this activity adapts to the needs and characteristics of each district. This research aims to explore the current perception of Urban Agriculture in Villa María del Triunfo and San Isidro, analyzing both its current practices and its evolution since the period before the COVID-19 lockdown. To achieve this, interviews and surveys were conducted with both Urban Agriculture practitioners and relevant public authorities. The results reveal a predominantly positive perception of Urban Agriculture, highlighting its potential to enhance the quality of life in the studied districts. However, limitations and disparities in the support provided by municipal authorities were also identified.
The city of Lima, with its diverse districts, presents a variety of contexts and realities. Municipal Ordinance N°1629 promotes Urban Agriculture as an activity with the potential to contribute to sustainable development across multiple dimensions, including environmental, economic, and social aspects. Given Lima’s heterogeneity, it is crucial to understand how this activity adapts to the needs and characteristics of each district. This research aims to explore the current perception of Urban Agriculture in Villa María del Triunfo and San Isidro, analyzing both its current practices and its evolution since the period before the COVID-19 lockdown. To achieve this, interviews and surveys were conducted with both Urban Agriculture practitioners and relevant public authorities. The results reveal a predominantly positive perception of Urban Agriculture, highlighting its potential to enhance the quality of life in the studied districts. However, limitations and disparities in the support provided by municipal authorities were also identified.
Agricultura urbana--Perú--Lima, Desarrollo sostenible--Perú--Lima, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos económicos--Perú--Lima
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