Baja calidad del servicio de patrullaje local integrado entre las comisarías PNP y el servicio de serenazgo en el distrito de Santiago de Surco y sus implicancias en la seguridad ciudadana entre los años 2016 y 2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El servicio de patrullaje local integrado, en el distrito de Santiago de Surco
entre las comisarías PNP y el servicio de serenazgo, es de baja calidad, lo que ha
implicado el incremento de los índices de victimización y de percepción de
inseguridad ciudadana, dado que la delincuencia aumenta sin control, existiendo
organizaciones delictivas con integrantes extranjeros cuyo accionar es de extrema
crueldad; sumadas a las ya existentes bandas criminales de ciudadanos peruanos.
El país, actualmente cuenta con los recursos necesarios para implementar
nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones (TICs), corresponde a la
Policía Nacional y la Municipalidad distrital de Santiago de Surco, desarrollar
efectivas estrategias que permitan enfrentar con profesionalismo y adecuadas
técnicas, la lucha contra la delincuencia común y organizada que viene afectando
gravemente la tranquilidad y paz social de los vecinos surcanos.
El presente estudio propone la implementación de una Central de
Operaciones Inteligente, que permitirá coordinar de forma efectiva a la policía y el
serenazgo las acciones operativas en el distrito de Surco, viabilizando el
intercambio de información y optimizando el tiempo de respuesta.
Esta moderna central, conforme se plantea en el proyecto de innovación
permitirá una articulación en tiempo real de las actores policiales y municipales,
para la adopción de los procedimientos más adecuados en la planificación e
implementación del patrullaje local integrado en el distrito de Surco, con sectores
de patrullaje, rutas, tiempo empleado, puntos de incidencia delictiva debidamente
identificados, frecuencia y horarios, sumado la activa participación de los
pobladores conectados a través de redes sociales, teléfonos inteligentes, sistema
pos net de los comercios (app inteligente), incluyendo el sistema de botón de
pánico, cámaras de video vigilancia y un canal de televisivo.
The integrated local patrol service, in the Surco district between the PNP police stations and the Serenazgo Service, is of low quality, which has implied an increase in the rates of victimization and perception of citizen insecurity, given that crime continues increasing without control, existing criminal organizations with foreign members whose actions are extremely cruel; added to the already existing criminal gangs of Peruvian citizens. The country currently has the necessary resources to implement new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to the National Police and the Surco District Municipality, in order to develop effective strategies that allow us to face professionalism and adequate techniques, the fight against the common and organized crime that has been seriously affecting the tranquility and social peace of the southern neighbors. This study proposes the implementation of an Intelligent Operations Central, which will allow the police and the Serenazgo to coordinate effectively the operational actions in the Surco district, making the exchange of information feasible and optimizing the response time. This modern power station, as proposed in the innovation project, will allow a real-time articulation of police and municipal actors, for the adoption of the most appropriate procedures in the planning and implementation of the integrated local patrol in the Surco district, with sectors patrol, routes, time spent, crime incidence points duly identified, frequency, schedules. Added to this is the active participation of the residents connected through social networks, smartphones, the post net system of shops (smart app), including the panic button system, video surveillance cameras and a television channel.
The integrated local patrol service, in the Surco district between the PNP police stations and the Serenazgo Service, is of low quality, which has implied an increase in the rates of victimization and perception of citizen insecurity, given that crime continues increasing without control, existing criminal organizations with foreign members whose actions are extremely cruel; added to the already existing criminal gangs of Peruvian citizens. The country currently has the necessary resources to implement new information and communication technologies (ICTs) to the National Police and the Surco District Municipality, in order to develop effective strategies that allow us to face professionalism and adequate techniques, the fight against the common and organized crime that has been seriously affecting the tranquility and social peace of the southern neighbors. This study proposes the implementation of an Intelligent Operations Central, which will allow the police and the Serenazgo to coordinate effectively the operational actions in the Surco district, making the exchange of information feasible and optimizing the response time. This modern power station, as proposed in the innovation project, will allow a real-time articulation of police and municipal actors, for the adoption of the most appropriate procedures in the planning and implementation of the integrated local patrol in the Surco district, with sectors patrol, routes, time spent, crime incidence points duly identified, frequency, schedules. Added to this is the active participation of the residents connected through social networks, smartphones, the post net system of shops (smart app), including the panic button system, video surveillance cameras and a television channel.
Policía Nacional (Perú), Gobierno municipal--Perú--Santiago de Surco (Lima : Distrito), Seguridad pública--Perú--Santiago de Surco (Lima : Distrito), Tecnología de la información--Perú--Santiago de Surco (Lima : Distrito)