Satisfacción sexual y apreciación corporal en adultos jóvenes de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como propósito identificar la relación entre la satisfacción
sexual y la apreciación corporal en una muestra de 157 jóvenes de Lima Metropolitana,
entre los 18 y 30 años, con educación superior. Asimismo, se pretende analizar las
diferencias por género respecto a cada variable. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una metodología
cuantitativa, en la que se emplearon la Nueva Escala de Satisfacción Sexual (NSSS) y la
Escala de Apreciación Corporal (BAS). Se encontró una correlación significativa y de
nivel bajo entre la apreciación corporal y la satisfacción sexual. Más aún, se halló una
correlación significativa y de nivel moderado entre la apreciación corporal y la subescala
enfoque personal, y una correlación significativa y de nivel bajo entre la apreciación
corporal y la subescala enfoque relacional. Por otro lado, se encontraron diferencias
significativas en la apreciación corporal según el género de los participantes, siendo el
grupo masculino el que reportó mayores puntajes. Además, se hallaron diferencias
significativas en la satisfacción sexual, siendo el grupo femenino el que denotó mayores
puntajes en la subescala enfoque relacional. Finalmente, se hallaron diferencias
significativas en la satisfacción sexual y cada una de sus subescalas según el estado de
relación de pareja: los participantes que se encontraban en una relación reportaron
mayores puntajes. Estos resultados ayudan a entender de qué manera una evaluación
favorable y de respeto hacia el cuerpo se asocia a la satisfacción sexual en sus cualidades
personales y relacionales.
The present study aims to identify the relationship between sexual satisfaction and body appreciation in a sample of 157 college students of Lima Metropolitana, aged between 18 and 30 years old. Likewise, it intends to analyze gender differences in each variable. In order to achieve these objectives, a quantitative methodology was conducted, in which the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale (NSSS) and the Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) were employed. A significant, weak correlation between body appreciation and sexual satisfaction was found. Moreover, a significant moderate correlation was found between body appreciation and the Ego Focused subscale, and a significant weak correlation between body appreciation and the Partner and Sexual Activity Centered subscale. On the other hand, significant gender differences were found in body appreciation, as males scored higher than females. Also, significant gender differences were found in sexual satisfaction: females scored higher than males in respect to the Partner and Sexual Activity Centered subscale. Finally, significant differences in sexual satisfaction and its subscales were found according to relationship status: participants involved in a relationship scored higher. These results contribute to the understanding of how a positive and respectful evaluation of the body is associated with sexual satisfaction in its personal and relational qualities.
The present study aims to identify the relationship between sexual satisfaction and body appreciation in a sample of 157 college students of Lima Metropolitana, aged between 18 and 30 years old. Likewise, it intends to analyze gender differences in each variable. In order to achieve these objectives, a quantitative methodology was conducted, in which the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale (NSSS) and the Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) were employed. A significant, weak correlation between body appreciation and sexual satisfaction was found. Moreover, a significant moderate correlation was found between body appreciation and the Ego Focused subscale, and a significant weak correlation between body appreciation and the Partner and Sexual Activity Centered subscale. On the other hand, significant gender differences were found in body appreciation, as males scored higher than females. Also, significant gender differences were found in sexual satisfaction: females scored higher than males in respect to the Partner and Sexual Activity Centered subscale. Finally, significant differences in sexual satisfaction and its subscales were found according to relationship status: participants involved in a relationship scored higher. These results contribute to the understanding of how a positive and respectful evaluation of the body is associated with sexual satisfaction in its personal and relational qualities.
Sexualidad--Aspectos psicológicos, Sexualidad--Jóvenes, Cuerpo humano--Psicología, Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones--Perú--Lima
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