Estrés laboral y características del trabajo en educadores de un colegio privado en Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer el efecto que existe entre las variables de Estrés
Laboral y las Características del Trabajo (Modelo de Características del Trabajo, JCM), en un
grupo de educadores del área académica de un colegio privado en Lima Metropolitana. Todo
esto con el fin de obtener eficacia en la organización, mejorar el desempeño, y más importante
aún, que los trabajadores tengan una mejor calidad de vida. En este sentido, se decidió utilizar
el modelo de Demandas y Recursos laborales (JD-R). Para demostrar que la presencia de
mayores recursos laborales o Características del Trabajo influyen en los niveles de Estrés
Laboral. La muestra estuvo conformada por una cantidad total de 82 docentes voluntarios
(ME=51.34, DE=24.12) que trabajan en un colegio privado. De este modo, se decidió utilizar
los instrumentos tales como: la Escala de Estrés Laboral de la OIT-OMS elaborada por
Ivancevich y Matteson (1989) y adaptada por Suárez (2013) en el contexto peruano, y La
Encuesta de Diagnóstico de Trabajo (The Job Diagnostic Survey, JDS) de Blanz (2017). De
acuerdo a los resultados, se pudo evidenciar que existe un nivel bajo de Estrés Laboral, además
que existe una correlación inversa y significativa, y existe un efecto significativo entre las
variables mencionadas, demostrando de esta manera que el correcto manejo de las
Características del Trabajo resulta estar asociadas y afectan los bajos niveles de estrés en los
trabajadores, relacionando el desarrollo de la organización y el bienestar de los empleados.
The objective of this study is to know the effect that exists between the variables of Job Stress and Job Characteristics (Job Characteristics Model, JCM), in a group of educators from the academic area of a private school in Metropolitan Lima. All this in order to obtain efficiency in the organization, improve performance, and more importantly, that workers have a better quality of life. In this sense, it was decided to use the Job Demands and Resources model (JDR). To show that the presence of greater job resources or Job Characteristics influence levels of Job Stress. The sample consisted of a total number of 82 volunteer educators (ME = 51.34, SD = 24.12) who work in a private school. In this way, it was decided to use instruments such as: Job Stress Scale of the ILO-WHO prepared by Ivancevich and Matteson (1989) and adapted by Suarez (2013) in the peruvian context, and The Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) of Blanz's (2017). According to the results, it was possible to show that there is a low level of Job Stress, in addition that there is an inverse and significant correlation, and there is a significant effect between the mentioned variables, thus demonstrating that the correct handling of the Job Characteristics it turns out to be associated with and affect the low levels of stress in workers, relating the development of the organization and the well-being of employees.
The objective of this study is to know the effect that exists between the variables of Job Stress and Job Characteristics (Job Characteristics Model, JCM), in a group of educators from the academic area of a private school in Metropolitan Lima. All this in order to obtain efficiency in the organization, improve performance, and more importantly, that workers have a better quality of life. In this sense, it was decided to use the Job Demands and Resources model (JDR). To show that the presence of greater job resources or Job Characteristics influence levels of Job Stress. The sample consisted of a total number of 82 volunteer educators (ME = 51.34, SD = 24.12) who work in a private school. In this way, it was decided to use instruments such as: Job Stress Scale of the ILO-WHO prepared by Ivancevich and Matteson (1989) and adapted by Suarez (2013) in the peruvian context, and The Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) of Blanz's (2017). According to the results, it was possible to show that there is a low level of Job Stress, in addition that there is an inverse and significant correlation, and there is a significant effect between the mentioned variables, thus demonstrating that the correct handling of the Job Characteristics it turns out to be associated with and affect the low levels of stress in workers, relating the development of the organization and the well-being of employees.
Profesores--Stress en el trabajo, Profesores--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones, Stress (Psicología)
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