Importancia de la educación en valores en los espacios virtuales - Opiniones de los agentes educativos de una institución educativa nacional de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación en valores es un tema de gran importancia para la formación integral
de todos los estudiantes, pero en la coyuntura actual de pandemia que ha
inmovilizado el trabajo presencial en las aulas, surge la interrogante acerca del cómo
se generan espacios de interacción para generar la práctica de valores en los
modalidad de educación a distancia, además de resaltar la importancia de esta
práctica en las aulas. Para ello, la presente tesis tiene como objetivo establecer
relaciones entre las opiniones de dos agentes educativos: la docente y los padres de
familia del aula de segundo grado de una institución educativa nacional de Lima
Metropolitana, respecto a la importancia de la educación en valores en la modalidad
de educación a distancia mediante entrevistas en línea a profundidad; en este sentido,
primero se identificó las opiniones de dichos agentes, así como conclusiones y
recomendaciones. Además, se trata de un trabajo de investigación descriptiva con un
enfoque de investigación cualitativo que permite establecer similitudes y diferencias
entre las variables identificadas.
Values education is an important topic for the students’ comprehensive education, however in the current pandemic situation which has immobilized face-to-Face work in classrooms, the following question arises about how to generate interactive environment to promote the values practice in addition to emphasize this practice in the classrooms. Acording to this, the following thesis aims to establish relationships among the following educational agents’ opinions: the teacher and the elementary second year parents from a public institution in Lima, regarding the values education importance in the educational distance remote modality through deep online interviews; for this, these agents’ opinions were identified and similarities and differences were established as well as conclusions and recommendations. Finally, this is a descriptive work with a qualitative investigation approach.
Values education is an important topic for the students’ comprehensive education, however in the current pandemic situation which has immobilized face-to-Face work in classrooms, the following question arises about how to generate interactive environment to promote the values practice in addition to emphasize this practice in the classrooms. Acording to this, the following thesis aims to establish relationships among the following educational agents’ opinions: the teacher and the elementary second year parents from a public institution in Lima, regarding the values education importance in the educational distance remote modality through deep online interviews; for this, these agents’ opinions were identified and similarities and differences were established as well as conclusions and recommendations. Finally, this is a descriptive work with a qualitative investigation approach.
Valores--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación a distancia--Perú--Lima, Personal docente, Educación--Participación de los padres, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima
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