La necesidad de la inclusión de los enfoques de derechos humanos, interculturalidad y discapacidad en las políticas públicas: Análisis de PRONABEC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La educación constituye un derecho fundamental habilitador para los
ciudadanos. El Estado, en su rol de garante de estos derechos, debe emprender
diversas políticas públicas capaces de incidir efectivamente en la problemática
identificada en el sector. En nuestro país, la educación inclusiva aún se debe
enfrentar a distintos desafíos, especialmente en el marco de la equidad y
accesibilidad para las poblaciones vulnerables. En ese sentido, el Programa
Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (PRONABEC) constituye una política
clave para la promoción del acceso a la educación superior de calidad. Sin
embargo, tanto su diseño como su implementación carece de los enfoques
necesarios al tratarse de políticas públicas, tales como el enfoque de
discapacidad, de derechos humanos y de interculturalidad. Solo considerando
los elementos de dichos enfoques se podrá incidir de una manera eficiente en la
población objetiva. El presente trabajo busca analizar los avances de
PRONABEC e identificar los aspectos que requieren un fortalecimiento y mayor
atención por parte del Estado. Ello a su vez podrá ser considerado para otras
políticas públicas del sector. De esta manera, las recomendaciones halladas en
este análisis no solo podrán constituir un aporte a la optimización del desempeño
de PRONABEC, sino como insumos para el diseño y mejora de otras iniciativas.
Finalmente, el presente trabajo busca destacar la relevancia de una actuación
pública inclusiva, capaz de lograr el bienestar general y trabajando por la
inclusión de las poblaciones vulnerables.
Education is a fundamental enabling right for citizens. The state, in its role as guarantor of these rights, must undertake various public policies capable of effectively addressing the problems identified in the sector. In our country, inclusive education still faces a number of challenges, especially in terms of equity and accessibility for vulnerable populations. In this regard, the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Programme (PRONABEC) is a key policy for promoting access to quality higher education. However, both its design and implementation lack the necessary public policy approaches, such as disability, human rights and interculturality. Only by considering the elements of these approaches will it be possible to have an efficient impact on the target population. This paper seeks to analyse PRONABEC's progress and identify the aspects that require strengthening and greater attention from the state. This in turn can be considered for other public policies in the sector. In this way, the recommendations found in this analysis can not only contribute to the optimisation of PRONABEC's performance, but also serve as inputs for the design and improvement of other initiatives. Finally, this research seeks to highlight the relevance of inclusive public action, capable of achieving general well-being and working for the inclusion of vulnerable populations.
Education is a fundamental enabling right for citizens. The state, in its role as guarantor of these rights, must undertake various public policies capable of effectively addressing the problems identified in the sector. In our country, inclusive education still faces a number of challenges, especially in terms of equity and accessibility for vulnerable populations. In this regard, the National Scholarship and Educational Credit Programme (PRONABEC) is a key policy for promoting access to quality higher education. However, both its design and implementation lack the necessary public policy approaches, such as disability, human rights and interculturality. Only by considering the elements of these approaches will it be possible to have an efficient impact on the target population. This paper seeks to analyse PRONABEC's progress and identify the aspects that require strengthening and greater attention from the state. This in turn can be considered for other public policies in the sector. In this way, the recommendations found in this analysis can not only contribute to the optimisation of PRONABEC's performance, but also serve as inputs for the design and improvement of other initiatives. Finally, this research seeks to highlight the relevance of inclusive public action, capable of achieving general well-being and working for the inclusion of vulnerable populations.
Programas sociales--Evaluación--Perú, Educación superior--Política educativa--Perú, Educación intercultural--Perú, Personas con discapacidad--Política gubernamental--Perú
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