Ingeniería Mecánica (Mag.)

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    Theoretical and experimental investigations of multiple contact points between a biologically inspired tactile sensor and various objects
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-09-15) Fischer Calderón, Juan Sebastián; Alencastre Miranda, Jorge Hernán
    The somatosensory system of mammals includes sensory hairs (vibrissae) for tactile perception during near field exploration. Interacting with the environment, the tactile hair transfers mechanical stimuli to the hair follicle (follicle-sinus complex). The follicle-sinus complex transduces the singnals and transmits them to the central nervous system. Rats, e.g., are able to characterize objects with regard to their surface and geometric shape. Inspired by the biological paragon, the implementation of a vibrissa-like tactile sensor is an object of engineering research. According to the sensory organ, the function of a technical vibrissa is based on the recording of stimuli by the artificial hair shaft and their measurement at the support. This enables the detection of technically relevant information. In this context, the present work focuses on the task of object contour reconstruction. For that purpose, the support reactions are determined during scanning of an object. Previous investigations have been restricted on scanning objects with convex contours. This is due to the limitation of mechanical models to single-point contact scenarios. Goal of the present work is the consideration of multiple contact points between sensor shaft and object contour. The sensor shaft is modelled as a Euler-Bernoulli beam. The mathematical/theoretical description of the deformation of the beam during quasi-static scanning results in a multipoint boundary value problem with switching point. In order to simulate scanning sweeps along two different object types, the corresponding multipoint boundary value problems are solved by applying a shooting method incooperating a Runge Kutta Method of 4th order. The support reactions are calculated during scanning. It shows that multi-point contacts can be identified in the support reactions. The simulation is validated by experiments using selected examples.
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    Developing of a device for measuring the areal distribution of the forces in the contact zone of foot and underground for the use in leg prostheses
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-09-18) Kubisch, Jörg; Fröhlich, Thomas; Elías Giordano, Dante Ángel
    The presented work demonstrates the process of designing a cheap, low cost three axis force sensor. Further it describes its integration in an array of multiple sensors to measure the distribution of forces acting on the sole of a prosthetic foot. The focus will be on easy manufacturing and common materials since the sensor will be integrated in a low cost prosthesis for lower limp amputees. Using the knowledge from bio mechanics and some basic assumptions for the later use, requirements for the project are derived. After a presentation of some state of the art sensor principles, suitable concepts are collected. Than, the concepts are compared using a comparison table to find the one the fits the requirements the best. A very compelling concept using barometers casted in silicone rubber is tested using a simple prototype to try out whether it is a good candidate or not. The tests show that the concept is capable of measuring forces but due to its disadvantageous susceptibility for temperature changes it is rejected for the further development process. The concepts are reevaluated and a new concept is chosen. Afterwards the design process is described. Beginning with the mechanical design explaining the working principle. The calculation of the dimensions is presented. After that a circuit to work with a capacitive measurement as well as a version for resitive measurement is developed and a layout for a prototype board using capacitive measurement is proposed. To prove the functionality, the capacitive system is built up as a prototype. To try the measurement behavior and to measure its repeatability a test stand is designed. It uses commercial available load cells to conduct a reference measurement. The output of the sensor is compared to the reference measurement. With various different test procedures the curves mapping the measured values to the force for normal and shear force measurement are determined. During the tests, different aspects of performance like creep behavior or hysteresis are investigated. Also the repeatability is measured various times under different loads to make reliable estimations of the precision of the measurement. Further on, a resistive force sensor which could be used instead of the capacitive sensing elements is tested regarding its curve and performance to have a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of either designing the future sensor with resistive or capacitive sensing elements. With both concepts a repeatability of a few percent uncertainty can be achieved. Further on ways to improve future versions of the sensor are described based on the experiences made during the work with the prototype. Finally a possible way to integrate multiple sensors into a sensing array is proposed. The design as well as possible electrics to acquire the data are discussed. This way a solid basis for further developments of a sensing array measuring the force distribution is given.
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    Diseño y construcción de un distractor ontogénico mandibular externo tridimensional de movimiento discreto
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-11-04) Otiniano Chávez, Dany Martín; Barriga Gamarra, Eliseo Benjamín
    En el cuerpo humano a veces se presentan alteraciones en el esqueleto tanto en el crecimiento como en el desarrollo del mismo en diversos grados, actualmente se practican técnicas que tiene por objetivo la corrección de los crecimientos anormales que se presentan en el esqueleto. El objetivo del presente trabajo es la corrección de los crecimientos anormales que se presentan en el maxilar inferior, la técnica a utilizar es la denominada distracción osteogénica, esta técnica ha demostrado que la tracción gradual de los tejidos vivos crea fuerzas que estimulan el crecimiento y la regeneración de los huesos. Se diseñó y construyó un dispositivo, el cual logrará de manera satisfactoria una tracción gradual sobre mandíbula inferior, ocasionando que esta modifique su geometría. El diseño del dispositivo utilizó una “Metodología del diseño”, ésta es una técnica reconocida, la cual nos garantiza que el dispositivo cumpla con todos los requerimientos y restricciones necesarias para lograr la distracción osteogénica. Los cálculos de las piezas del dispositivo denominado Distractor fueron verificados utilizando el Método de los Elementos finitos (CAE). También se presentan los planos del Distractor, los cuales sirvieron para la fabricación y ensamble del mismo, las piezas se fabricaron en talleres nacionales.
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    Modelado y optimización de una placa (implante) para sujeción de injerto en la columna vertebral por el método de los elementos finitos
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011-05-09) Álvarez Sánchez, Helard Henry
    El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la placa (implante) a través de un modelo capaz de proporcionar valores de tensiones y desplazamientos bajo las diferentes condiciones de carga en distintos puntos de la placa que pueden son necesarios conocer. Esta información es de gran importancia, porque una cirugía persigue que la prótesis hueso del sistema este bajo un estado mecánico íntimo al hueso, promueve una estabilidad más grande y durabilidad de la placa y reduce el número de cirugías necesarias durante la vida del paciente.