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Item A study of new methods and techniques for ultrasonic attenuation estimation(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-09) Zenteno Valdiviezo, Omar Jonathan; Lavarello Montero, Roberto JannielThe pathological states of biological tissue are often related in attenuation changes of itself. Thus, information about attenuating properties of tissue is valuable for the physician and could be useful in ultrasonic diagnosis. However, accurate characterization of tissue pathologies using ultrasonic attenuation is strongly dependent on the accuracy of the algorithm that is used to obtain the attenuation coefficient estimates. In the present document, we derive a new attenuation estimation method which uses the analytical backscatter coefficient (BSC) diffraction compensation function for single-element transducers proposed by Chen et al. and compare it to a reference phantom attenuation estimation method. The accuracy of the two methods was evaluated. The results showed that an accurate attenuation coefficient mean value can be estimated by the two methods presenting a low mean percentile error (MPE<6%). However, the coefficient of variation of the estimates remains higher than the desired values (CV>62%). Moreover, to remove the inherent size of the ROI’s limitation due to the high variability of the estimator, the use of full angular spatial compounding was extended to the estimation of attenuation coefficients and its performance was experimentally evaluated using two physical phantoms. The results suggest that the variance and field of view of attenuation imaging can be significantly improved without sacrificing estimation accuracy. Based on these observations, the analytic diffraction compensation method was applied in an animal model to estimate the mean attenuation value of thyroids lobes. To reduce variability on the estimates, a three neighboring layer spatial compounding approach was applied. The results suggest the mean attenuation value can potentially discriminate a particular pathology on thyroid from malignant and normal tissues. The final conclusions lead to remark the potential of parametric imaging of tissue attenuation by the analytic diffraction compensation method in conjunction with spatial compounding as a useful tool for medical detection and diagnostic.Item Backscatter coefficient estimation using highly focused ultrasound transducers(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2014-05-26) Panizo Ríos, Diego; Lavarello Montero, Roberto JannielThe backscatter coefficient (BSC) is an intrinsic property that quantifies the amount of energy that is reflected by a material as function of the ultrasound wave frequency. BSCs have been proposed for decades for tissue characterization, along with quantitative ultrasound (QUS) parameters derived from BSCs that have been used to construct images that represent how these properties vary spatially. The availability of formulations based on weakly focusing conditions has resulted in a widespread use of large focal number transducers for BSC estimation. The use of highly focused transducers offers the possibility of improving the spatial resolution of BSC-based imaging. The model by Chen et al. [1] was developed for estimating BSCs using transducers of arbitrary focal number. However, to this date only preliminary experimental validation of this method has been performed. The goals of the present study are to analyze for the first time the accuracy of Chen’s [1] method when estimating BSCs using highly focused transducers through both simulations and experiments, and to analyze the accuracy on the estimation of QUS parameters derived from BSCs (specifically the effective scatterer size (ESD) and concentration (ESC)) applying the Chen et al. [1] model. To achieve these goals, a theoretical model of BSC synthesis based on the method of Chen et al. [1]. was derived and used with simulated data. The model considers frequency dependent diffraction patterns, and the scatterers in the synthetic data replicate the properties of solid spheres. In experiments, data obtained using highly focused transducers from a physical phantom containing glass beads was used. This experimental data was appropriately compensated for attenuation and transmission effects. The accuracy of Chen’s method was evaluated calculating the mean fractional error between the estimated and theoretical BSCs curves for both simulations and experiments. Also, the QUS parameters were estimated and compared with real known parameters. BSCs and QUS parameter estimates were obtained from regions of interest from both the transducer focus and throughout the transducer focal region. Finally, the sound speed and the transducer focus were varied in appropriate ranges when processing the data for the BSC and QUS values estimation in order to assess the robustness of the method to uncertainties in these parameters. The results showed that BSCs and QUS parameters can be accurately estimated using highly focused transducers if the appropriate model is used, with regions of interest not restricted to be centered at the focus but to the full extension of the -6-dB transducer focal region. It was also verified that well estimated parameters as the sound speed and transducer focus are necessary in order to obtain accurate BSCs and QUS parameters estimates.Item Joint reconstruction techniques for ultrasonic attenuation imaging(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-05-08) Miranda Zárate, Edmundo Arom; Lavarello Montero, Roberto JannielEl ultrasonido cuantitativo (QUS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una modalidad de imagen no invasiva que caracteriza numéricamente los tejidos para el diagnóstico médico. Los estimadores QUS se basan en parámetros acústicos como la pendiente del coeficiente de atenuación (ACS, por sus siglas en inglés). Un estudio anterior propuso eliminar el ruido de las relaciones logarítmicas espectrales utilizando una variación total de un solo canal a través de la frecuencia. El método espectral para estimar el ACS, conocido como diferencia logarítmica espectral (SLD, por sus siglas en inglés) no incorpora ninguna estrategia de reconstrucción conjunta para mejorar la imagen. Por lo tanto, este trabajo propone la integración de dos estrategias conjuntas compatibles con el marco SLD. Primero, un enfoque de regularización conjunta denominado variación total nuclear (TNV-SLD) es implementado, el cual combina información geométrica del ACS y el componente del coeficiente de retrodispersión (BSC, por sus siglas en inglés) para mejorar la calidad de las imágenes, logrando mejores resultados en términos de error porcentual medio (MPE) y relación contraste-ruido (CNR). Posteriormente, el estudio se amplía para eliminar conjuntamente los ratios logarítmicos espectrales del SLD en los canales de frecuencia. Se propone un método conjunto multifrecuencia para aumentar la calidad de las imágenes de atenuación. Se consideraron dos modificaciones de la variación total con base en las normas Frobenius (TFV) y nuclear (TNV). Las métricas se compararon con dos métodos de regularización anteriores denominados RSLD y TVSLD, basados en la variación total de un solo canal con datos de maniquíes simulados y experimentales, y una muestra de tejido ex vivo. Los resultados mostraron un mejor desempeño general del método TNV para ambas estrategias, produciendo mapas ACS mejorados y extendiendo el balance entre la resolución espacial y la variabilidad de la estimación en términos de CNR con un sesgo estable.Item Regularized spectral log difference technique for ultrasonic attenuation imaging(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-07-13) Coila Pacompia, Andres Leonel; Lavarello Montero, Roberto JannielThe attenuation coefficient slope (ACS) has the potential to be used for tissue characterization and as a diagnostic ultrasound tool, hence complementing B-mode images. The ACS can be valuable for estimation of other ultrasound parameters such as the backscatter coefficient. There is a well-known tradeoff between the precision of the estimated ACS values and the data block size used in spectral-based techniques such as the spectral log difference (SLD). This trade-off limits the practical usefulness of spectral-based attenuation imaging techniques. In this thesis work, the regularized spectral log difference (RSLD) technique is presented in detail and evaluated with simulations and experiments with physical phantoms, ex vivo and in vivo. The ACS values obtained when using the RSLD technique were compared to the ones obtained when using the SLD technique, as well as the ground truth ACS values obtained with insertion loss techniques. The results showed that the RSLD technique allowed significantly decreasing estimation variance when using small data block sizes (i.e., standard deviation of percentage error reduced by more than an order of magnitude in all cases when using 10 x 10 data blocks) without sacrificing estimation accuracy. Therefore, the RSLD allows for the reconstruction of attenuation coefficient images with an improved trade-off between spatial resolution and estimation precision.Item Robust Minimmun Variance Beamformer using Phase Aberration Correction Methods(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-28) Chau Loo Kung, Gustavo Ramón; Lavarello Montero, Roberto Janniel; Dahl, Jeremy J.The minimum variance (MV) beamformer is an adaptive beamforming method that has the potential to enhance the resolution and contrast of ultrasound images. Although the sensitivity of the MV beamformer to steering vector errors and array calibration errors is well-documented in other fields, in ultrasound it has been tested only under gross sound speed errors. Several robust MV beamformers have been proposed, but have mainly reported robustness only in the presence of sound speed mismatches. Additionally the impact of PAC methods in mitigating the effects of phase aberration in MV beamformed images has not been observed Accordingly, this thesis report consists on two parts. On the first part, a more complete analysis of the effects of different types of aberrators on conventional MV beamforming and on a robust MV beamformer from the literature (Eigenspace-based Minimum Variance (ESMV) beamformer) is carried out, and the effects of three PAC algorithms and their impact on the performance of the MV beamformer are analyzed (MV-PC). The comparison is carried out on Field II simulations and phantom experiments with electronic aberration and tissue aberrators. We conclude that the sensitivity to speed of sound errors and aberration limit the use of the MV beamformer in clinical applications, and that the effect of aberration is stronger than previously reported in the literature. Additionally it is shown that under moderate and strong aberrating conditions, MV-PC is a preferable option to ESMV. On the second part, we propose a new, locally-adaptive, phase aberration correction method (LAPAC) able to improve both DAS and MV beamformers that integrates aberration correction for each point in the image domain into the formulation of the MV beamformer. The new method is tested using fullwave simulations of models of human abdominal wall, experiments with tissue aberrators, and in vivo carotid images. The LAPAC method is compared with conventional phase aberration correction with delay-and-sum beamforming (DAS-PC) and MV-PC. The proposed method showed between 1-4 dB higher contrast than DAS-PC and MV-PC in all cases, and LAPAC-MV showed better performance than LAPAC-DAS. We conclude that LAPAC may be a viable option to enhance ultrasound image quality of both DAS and MV in the presence of clinically-relevant aberrating conditions.Item Soft tissue characterization using different quantitative ultrasound modalities(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-24) Romero Gutierrez, Stefano Enrique; Castañeda Aphan, Benjamín; Lavarello Montero, Roberto JannielQuantitative ultrasound has been used in several modalities for different experiments such as simulated phantom, physical phantoms, ex vivo and in vivo tissues. The potential of the ultrasound techniques could be useful to complemented medical diagnosis. In this work, two quantitative ultrasound techniques are applied on in vivo experiments: crawling waves sonoelastography applied to bicep brachii and a regularized power law for backscattering and attenuation coefficient for ovary tumor. A crawling waves sonoelastography (CWS) method was applied using two mini-shakers making parallel contact (conventional setup) and normal contact with the surface in two phantoms (homogeneous and inhomogeneous) using the phase derivative algorithm to assess the performance of the normal excitation with well-know metrics such as error, coefficient of variation, signal-to noise ratio and contrast-to noise ratio. The results suggest that the normal excitation provides comparable stiffness estimation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous phantoms. For in vivo test, a bicep barchii from healthy volunteers were assess in two experiments: relaxed-contracted and with a range weight of load. The application of normal setup indicated that a measurement of the relative stiffness on bicep brachii can be realized. The results indicated that a using the incremental weight causes a increase on the stiffness of the bicep following a linear behavior. A regularized power law (RPL) method was implemented and testing with simulated phantoms using a combination of the possible variables of data block size and the regularized parameters of the three variables of the backscattering and attenuation coefficients. The results showed that is possible provide accurate and precise backscattering and attenuation coefficient in the same algorithm. Additionally, in vivo breast experiments was performed and compared with the literature obtaining comparable results. Finally, a tumor of patients with suspected ovarian cancer were assess. The results suggests that RPL method and in general provides reasonable depictions of the reflectivity and attenuation of interrogated media.