Estudio de caso de una niña de 4 años 2 meses con trastorno de lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje es un área del desarrollo muy importante en la comunicación del niño y la niña, ya que le permite
desenvolverse normalmente en el ámbito personal y social; sin embargo, existen algunos factores que pueden
afectar este desarrollo, lo que dificulta la interrelación del niño o niña con su medio. Por ello, una detección
temprana favorece el aprendizaje de competencias comunicativas y lingüísticas, que repercutirá en la
interacción social, en la adquisición de los aprendizajes fundamentales, así como el aspecto emocional y
conductual. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo elaborar un plan de evaluación e intervención que aborda
el caso de una niña de 4 años 2 meses con trastorno de lenguaje, con afectación, tanto en el proceso expresivo
como el comprensivo. Se entiende por trastorno de lenguaje a las dificultades persistentes en la adquisición y
uso del lenguaje en todas sus modalidades debido a deficiencias de la comprensión o producción. Para el
proceso de intervención se priorizó el componente léxico semántico, abordando los contenidos de vocabulario,
fluidez léxica, redes semánticas y significado de frases de oraciones, en el componente morfosintáctico, el
contenido tipos de oración. La intervención tuvo una propuesta lúdica, acompañada de material concreto y se
desarrolló a través de actividades significativas basadas en experiencias vivenciales, teniendo como resultado
el logro de los objetivos propuestos, como son: el manejo del vocabulario de los campos semánticos, mejora
de la evocación léxica de elementos programados, comprensión de encabezadores seleccionados y la
elaboración de oraciones bajo la estructura simple “sujeto-verbo-objeto” y “sujeto-verbo-complemento de
lugar”. Por tanto, se concluye que el plan de intervención permitió a la niña mostrar avances en los
componentes antes mencionados, perfeccionando la interacción en su entorno familiar, escolar y social.
Language is a very important area of development in the communication of the boy and the girl, since it allows him to function normally in the personal and social sphere; However, there are some factors that can affect this development, making it difficult for the child to interact with their environment. For this reason, early detection favors the learning of communicative and linguistic competences, which will have repercussions on social interaction, on the acquisition of fundamental learning, as well as the emotional and behavioral aspect. The present study aims to develop an evaluation and intervention plan that addresses the case of a 4-year-2-monthold girl with a language disorder, with impairment, both in the expressive and comprehensive processes. Language disorder is understood to be persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language in all its modalities due to deficiencies in comprehension or production. For the intervention process, the semantic lexical component was prioritized, addressing the contents of vocabulary, lexical fluency, semantic networks and meaning of sentence phrases, in the morphosyntactic component, the content types of sentences. The intervention had a playful proposal, accompanied by concrete material and was developed through meaningful activities based on experiential experiences, resulting in the achievement of the proposed objectives, such as: handling the vocabulary of semantic fields, improvement of evocation Lexical of programmed elements, understanding of selected headings and the elaboration of sentences under the simple structure "subject-verbobject" and "subject-verb-place complement". Therefore, it is concluded that the intervention plan allowed the girl to show progress in the aforementioned components, improving the interaction in her family, school and social environment.
Language is a very important area of development in the communication of the boy and the girl, since it allows him to function normally in the personal and social sphere; However, there are some factors that can affect this development, making it difficult for the child to interact with their environment. For this reason, early detection favors the learning of communicative and linguistic competences, which will have repercussions on social interaction, on the acquisition of fundamental learning, as well as the emotional and behavioral aspect. The present study aims to develop an evaluation and intervention plan that addresses the case of a 4-year-2-monthold girl with a language disorder, with impairment, both in the expressive and comprehensive processes. Language disorder is understood to be persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language in all its modalities due to deficiencies in comprehension or production. For the intervention process, the semantic lexical component was prioritized, addressing the contents of vocabulary, lexical fluency, semantic networks and meaning of sentence phrases, in the morphosyntactic component, the content types of sentences. The intervention had a playful proposal, accompanied by concrete material and was developed through meaningful activities based on experiential experiences, resulting in the achievement of the proposed objectives, such as: handling the vocabulary of semantic fields, improvement of evocation Lexical of programmed elements, understanding of selected headings and the elaboration of sentences under the simple structure "subject-verbobject" and "subject-verb-place complement". Therefore, it is concluded that the intervention plan allowed the girl to show progress in the aforementioned components, improving the interaction in her family, school and social environment.
Niños--Lenguaje, Trastornos del habla en niños