Deconstruyendo Motores: Fomentando espacios laborales equitativos en el sector automotriz
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La desigualdad de género en los ámbitos laborales es un problema aún pendiente por resolver.
En efecto, aún existen roles de género que impiden que mujeres y hombres tengan las mismas
oportunidades de trabajo, así como un ambiente laboral libre de violencia. De esta manera, el
presente trabajo de investigación se centra en el ámbito laboral del sector automotriz, el cual
se ha establecido a lo largo de los años como un espacio masculino que vulnera la seguridad
de las mujeres. Por ello, el estudio establece determinar el nivel de capacidad de agencia en
temas de igualdad de género desarrollado por las y los participantes del proyecto Cambiando
Esquemas de Plan Internacional durante el primer semestre del 2021 para promover entornos
libres de violencia de género. Para ello, la investigación se basa en la teoría del desarrollo
humano, del liderazgo en adolescentes y los estudios de género, y aplica una metodología
cualitativa a través de las técnicas del grupo focal y las entrevistas. Como resultado, la
investigación concluye que las y los becarios del proyecto Cambiando Esquemas poseen un
nivel intermedio en cuanto al desarrollo de capacidad de agencia en temas de igualdad de
género para promover entornos libres de violencia de género. En ese sentido, se diseña un
proyecto de Comunicación para el Desarrollo titulado “Deconstruyendo Motores” con el
objetivo de elevar la capacidad de agencia por parte de las becarias y los becarios del proyecto
Cambiando Esquemas para promover entornos laborales libres de violencia de género en el
sector automotriz, a través de una estrategia comunicacional con determinadas actividades
guiadas bajo los enfoques de género, liderazgo y de capacidades.
Gender inequality in the workplace is a problem that has yet to be resolved. Indeed, there are still gender roles that prevent women and men from having the same work opportunities, as well as a work environment free of violence. Thus, this research focuses on the automotive sector, which has been established over the years as a masculine space that violates women's safety. Therefore, we seek to determine the level of agency capacity in gender equality issues developed by the participants of Plan International's Cambiando Esquemas project (Changing Schemes) during the first semester of 2021 to promote environments free of gender-based violence. To this end, the research is based on the theory of human development, adolescent leadership and gender studies, and applies a qualitative methodology through focus group and interview techniques. As a result, the research concludes that the grantees of the Cambiando Esquemas project have an intermediate level in terms of the development of agency capacity in gender equality issues to promote environments free of gender violence. In this sense, a Communication for Development project entitled "Deconstruyendo Motores" was designed with the objective of increasing the agency capacity of the grantees of the Cambiando Esquemas project to promote work environments free of gender violence in the automotive sector, through a communication strategy with certain activities guided by the gender, leadership and capabilities approaches.
Gender inequality in the workplace is a problem that has yet to be resolved. Indeed, there are still gender roles that prevent women and men from having the same work opportunities, as well as a work environment free of violence. Thus, this research focuses on the automotive sector, which has been established over the years as a masculine space that violates women's safety. Therefore, we seek to determine the level of agency capacity in gender equality issues developed by the participants of Plan International's Cambiando Esquemas project (Changing Schemes) during the first semester of 2021 to promote environments free of gender-based violence. To this end, the research is based on the theory of human development, adolescent leadership and gender studies, and applies a qualitative methodology through focus group and interview techniques. As a result, the research concludes that the grantees of the Cambiando Esquemas project have an intermediate level in terms of the development of agency capacity in gender equality issues to promote environments free of gender violence. In this sense, a Communication for Development project entitled "Deconstruyendo Motores" was designed with the objective of increasing the agency capacity of the grantees of the Cambiando Esquemas project to promote work environments free of gender violence in the automotive sector, through a communication strategy with certain activities guided by the gender, leadership and capabilities approaches.
Industria automotriz, Género, Desarrollo humano, Comunicación para el desarrollo
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