Arquitectura de la proximidad. Intersticios humanizados entre la movilidad y espacios públicos. Caso de la Estación Central, el Gran Terminal Terrestre y el Terminal de Yerbateros
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La ciudad de Lima ha crecido a través de su sistema de movilidad y el espacio público. Estos
sistemas han decaído en su calidad a través del tiempo. No obstante, debido al rol importante
dentro de la vida diaria, las personas se encuentran obligadas a usarlos. Las carencias,
aceptadas y normalizadas, no vuelven a cuestionarse.
Por ello, este articulo busca identificar las relaciones actuales presentes en los sistemas para
evidenciar su precariedad. Se desarrolla un análisis crítico sobre el espacio, función y
composición de la arquitectura presente en los terminales terrestres, el espacio público
próximo a estos y la inserción de la actividad humana. Se determinará el campo conceptual
donde se aborda el tema, seguido de una comparación de cada factor del estudio: cómo la
arquitectura del terminal y el espacio público propicia espacios intersticiales; y como las
personas desempeñan sus actividades dentro dichos espacios.
The city of Lima has grown through its mobility system and public space. These systems have decayed in its quality throughout the time. However, due to the role inside the daily life, people are obligated to use them. The deficiencies, accepted and normalized, are not criticized again. Thus, this article seeks to identify the present relationships in these systems to show its precariousness. A critic analysis is developed about space, function and composition of architecture of the terminals, public space surrounding them and how the human activity inserts itself. First, the conceptual field will be determinated. After that, a comparison of each factor will be developed: how the architecture of the terminals and public space provokes the interstices; and how the people perform their activities inside these spaces.
The city of Lima has grown through its mobility system and public space. These systems have decayed in its quality throughout the time. However, due to the role inside the daily life, people are obligated to use them. The deficiencies, accepted and normalized, are not criticized again. Thus, this article seeks to identify the present relationships in these systems to show its precariousness. A critic analysis is developed about space, function and composition of architecture of the terminals, public space surrounding them and how the human activity inserts itself. First, the conceptual field will be determinated. After that, a comparison of each factor will be developed: how the architecture of the terminals and public space provokes the interstices; and how the people perform their activities inside these spaces.
Espacio público--Perú--Lima, Terminales terrestres--Arquitectura, Espacios públicos--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Lima
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