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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el fiction-liveaction-animated short film Abril se aborda la historia de una joven artista
universitaria que no puede terminar su autorretrato, reto que simboliza los dilemas
personales que tiene la protagonista consigo misma. Por ello, en este cortometraje se
explora desde y junto a ella su intimidad, acompañándola así en sus pensamientos, sueños
y emociones. En el presente documento se aborda una investigación cuyos objetivos son
explorar la intimidad emocional, vinculada al autoestima, de una joven artista universitaria; y
crear una narrativa visual y sonora que haga partícipe al espectador del proceso del
personaje a través del diálogo entre el live action y la animación. En ese sentido, se
desarrollan los conceptos y temas tratados en el proyecto, así como también las propuestas
por las áreas de dirección, fotografía, sonido, arte, animación y producción. Finalmente, se
mencionan las reflexiones a partir del proceso y resultado final de Abril.
This fiction-liveaction-animated short film, Abril, addresses the story of a young-artist college woman who can’t finish her self portrait, a challenge that symbolizes her personal problems about herself. Thus, this project explores from and with Abril her intimacy, being with her in her thoughts, dreams and emotions. This work develops a research whose objectives are to explore the emotional intimacy, related to the self-esteem, of a young-artist college woman; and to create an audiovisual narrative that invites the audience to participate in the process of the character through the dialogue between the live-action and the animation. Hence, the concepts and topics related to the project, and the proposals of each audiovisual area are developed. Finally, the reflections from the process and the final result of Abril are also mentioned.
This fiction-liveaction-animated short film, Abril, addresses the story of a young-artist college woman who can’t finish her self portrait, a challenge that symbolizes her personal problems about herself. Thus, this project explores from and with Abril her intimacy, being with her in her thoughts, dreams and emotions. This work develops a research whose objectives are to explore the emotional intimacy, related to the self-esteem, of a young-artist college woman; and to create an audiovisual narrative that invites the audience to participate in the process of the character through the dialogue between the live-action and the animation. Hence, the concepts and topics related to the project, and the proposals of each audiovisual area are developed. Finally, the reflections from the process and the final result of Abril are also mentioned.
Cortometraje--Producción y dirección, Fotografía artística, Cine y lenguaje, Emociones en el arte
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