La responsabilidad penal de los particulares extranei que intervienen en la comisión del delito de negociación Incompatible
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación jurídica centró su estudio en los actos de colaboración
que realiza el extraneus en la comisión del delito de negociación incompatible
previsto en el artículo 399 del código penal, a efectos de revelar su relevancia
penal y, por ende, su punibilidad. Tal estudio tiene su motivación en la existencia
de Resoluciones Judiciales que suelen absolver a los extraneus de la imputación
de cómplices del mencionado delito, sosteniendo no ser punible los actos de los
extraneus porque el mencionado artículo no admitiría el procesamiento ni
sanción de los terceros exrtraneus que participan también en el mismo proceso
de contratación “corrompido”, no presentando mayor sustento dogmático,
amparándose solo en diversos pronunciamientos judiciales de nuestra Corte
Suprema, entre ellos, en el recurso de Casación Nro. 841-2015-Ayacucho (Caso
Gobierno Regional de Ayacucho) que niega la complicidad en el citado delito.
En la presente investigación desarrollamos un profundo análisis doctrinario y
jurisprudencial de los fundamentos políticos criminales que subyacen al delito de
negociación incompatible desde un enfoque de delito de corrupción que nos
permitirá comprender su naturaleza y tratamiento; proponiendo además, un
replanteamiento del bien jurídico protegido que nos permite visibilizarlo como un
delito de peligro concreto y con ello, como un delito en el cual muy bien puede
interactuar posibles cómplices en su comisión.
Desde el punto de vista del cómplice, planteamos que este personaje no solo
tiene deberes generales de no dañar, sino que, ingresa a un segundo nivel de
asunción de deberes especiales, distinto al del autor claro está, regulados por
las normas jurídicas de contratación publica, los cuales son asumidos de manera
voluntaria, al asumir roles contractuales con el Estado y, son estos deberes
especiales [por su condición de postor, contratista, ejecutor, concesionario, etc]
que al ser infraccionados y afectar el bien jurídico protegido del delito de
negociación, los que permiten sustentar responsabilidad penal del extraneus que
se favorece con el contrato.
Finalmente, concluiremos que el supuesto jurídico del delito de negociación no
restringe la concurrencia de cómplices [cuando se da la modalidad delictiva de
“interés indebido de terceros favorecidos con el contrato u operación”], su
naturaleza no es regular actos de complicidad, pues, la complicidad se regula desde la parte general y su aplicación es transversal a todos los tipos penales
de la parte especial, entre ellos, el delito de negociación.
Con este planteamiento, no se pretende criminalizar a toda persona que participa
contratando con el Estado, sino solo, evitar espacios de impunidad, como política
de integridad Estatal.
This legal investigation focused its study on the acts of collaboration carried out by the extraneus in the commission of the crime of incompatible negotiation provided for in article 399 of the Penal Code, in order to reveal its criminal relevance and, therefore, its punishability. Such a study is motivated by the existence of judicial decisions that usually absolve extraneus of the accusation of being accomplices to the aforementioned crime, maintaining that the acts of extraneus are not punishable because the aforementioned article would not admit the prosecution or punishment of third exrtraneus who also participate in the same "corrupt" contracting process. It does not present any further dogmatic support, relying only on various judicial pronouncements of our Supreme Court, among them, in the appeal of Cassation No. 841-2015-Ayacucho (Case of the Regional Government of Ayacucho) which denies complicity in the aforementioned crime. In this research, we develop an in-depth doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the criminal political foundations that underlie the crime of incompatible negotiation from a corruption crime approach that will allow us to understand its nature and treatment; It also proposes a rethinking of the protected legal right that allows us to make it visible as a crime of concrete danger and with it, as a crime in which possible accomplices may very well interact in its commission. From the point of view of the accomplice, we propose that this character not only has general duties not to harm, but also enters a second level of assumption of special duties, different from that of the perpetrator of course, regulated by the legal rules of public procurement, which are assumed voluntarily, by assuming contractual roles with the State and, It is these special duties [due to their status as bidder, contractor, executor, concessionaire, etc.] that, when they are infringed and affect the legal right protected from the crime of negotiation, make it possible to sustain criminal liability of the foreigner who is favored by the contract. Finally, we will conclude that the legal assumption of the crime of negotiation does not restrict the concurrence of accomplices [when the criminal modality of "undue interest of third parties favored with the contract or operation"] occurs, its nature is not to regulate acts of complicity, since complicity is regulated from the general part and its application is transversal to all the criminal types of the special part. among them, the crime of negotiation. With this approach, it is not intended to criminalize every person who participates in contracting with the State, but only to avoid spaces of impunity, as a policy of State integrity.
This legal investigation focused its study on the acts of collaboration carried out by the extraneus in the commission of the crime of incompatible negotiation provided for in article 399 of the Penal Code, in order to reveal its criminal relevance and, therefore, its punishability. Such a study is motivated by the existence of judicial decisions that usually absolve extraneus of the accusation of being accomplices to the aforementioned crime, maintaining that the acts of extraneus are not punishable because the aforementioned article would not admit the prosecution or punishment of third exrtraneus who also participate in the same "corrupt" contracting process. It does not present any further dogmatic support, relying only on various judicial pronouncements of our Supreme Court, among them, in the appeal of Cassation No. 841-2015-Ayacucho (Case of the Regional Government of Ayacucho) which denies complicity in the aforementioned crime. In this research, we develop an in-depth doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis of the criminal political foundations that underlie the crime of incompatible negotiation from a corruption crime approach that will allow us to understand its nature and treatment; It also proposes a rethinking of the protected legal right that allows us to make it visible as a crime of concrete danger and with it, as a crime in which possible accomplices may very well interact in its commission. From the point of view of the accomplice, we propose that this character not only has general duties not to harm, but also enters a second level of assumption of special duties, different from that of the perpetrator of course, regulated by the legal rules of public procurement, which are assumed voluntarily, by assuming contractual roles with the State and, It is these special duties [due to their status as bidder, contractor, executor, concessionaire, etc.] that, when they are infringed and affect the legal right protected from the crime of negotiation, make it possible to sustain criminal liability of the foreigner who is favored by the contract. Finally, we will conclude that the legal assumption of the crime of negotiation does not restrict the concurrence of accomplices [when the criminal modality of "undue interest of third parties favored with the contract or operation"] occurs, its nature is not to regulate acts of complicity, since complicity is regulated from the general part and its application is transversal to all the criminal types of the special part. among them, the crime of negotiation. With this approach, it is not intended to criminalize every person who participates in contracting with the State, but only to avoid spaces of impunity, as a policy of State integrity.
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Derecho penal--Perú, Cómplices--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Perú
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