Estudio de caso de una niña de 7 años con dificultades en la conciencia fonológica y en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo de habilidades fonológicas como la conciencia fonológica y el conocimiento alfabético permiten la
automatización de los procesos de bajo de nivel de la lectura, que repercuten en los procesos de alto nivel.
El presente estudio de caso refiere a una niña de 7 años que cursa el 2do grado de primaria quien presenta
dificultades en la lectura y escritura. Como objetivo se buscó realizar una valoración que permita la
identificación de las dificultades que pudieran estar impactando en el rendimiento escolar y en base a eso
diseñar un plan de intervención acorde a su perfil de habilidades para el aprendizaje, interviniendo en la mejora
de sus habilidades fonológicas y en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y escritura.
Los resultados evidenciaron que la niña mejoró en las áreas de lectura y escritura, específicamente en la
precisión al leer y al escribir palabras con ortografía fonética. Se llegó a la conclusión que el plan aplicado
enfocado en fortalecer sus habilidades fonológicas le permitió mejorar los procesos de bajo nivel de la lectura,
no obstante, aún se debe desarrollar estas habilidades como: enfatizar en la ruta visual para mejorar su
velocidad en la lectura y los procesos sintácticos para identificar y respetar los signos puntuación. De igual
manera en escritura reglada.
The development of phonological skills such as phonological awareness and alphabetic knowledge allow the automation of low-level processes of reading, which have an impact on high-level processes. This case study refers to a 7-year-old girl who is in the 2nd grade of primary school who has difficulties in reading and writing. The objective was to carry out an assessment that allows the identification of difficulties that could be impacting on school performance and based on that to design an intervention plan according to their profile of learning skills, intervening in the improvement of their phonological skills and in the lexical processes of reading and writing. The results showed that the girl improved in the areas of reading and writing, specifically in the precision when reading and writing words with phonetic spelling. It was concluded that the applied plan focused on strengthening his phonological skills allowed him to improve the low-level processes of reading, however, these skills must still be developed, such as: emphasizing the visual route to improve his reading speed and the syntactic processes to identify and respect punctuation marks. In the same way in regulated writing.
The development of phonological skills such as phonological awareness and alphabetic knowledge allow the automation of low-level processes of reading, which have an impact on high-level processes. This case study refers to a 7-year-old girl who is in the 2nd grade of primary school who has difficulties in reading and writing. The objective was to carry out an assessment that allows the identification of difficulties that could be impacting on school performance and based on that to design an intervention plan according to their profile of learning skills, intervening in the improvement of their phonological skills and in the lexical processes of reading and writing. The results showed that the girl improved in the areas of reading and writing, specifically in the precision when reading and writing words with phonetic spelling. It was concluded that the applied plan focused on strengthening his phonological skills allowed him to improve the low-level processes of reading, however, these skills must still be developed, such as: emphasizing the visual route to improve his reading speed and the syntactic processes to identify and respect punctuation marks. In the same way in regulated writing.
Niños--Lenguaje, Trastornos del aprendizaje en niños (Educación), Lectura--Dificultades, Escritura--Enseñanza para niños, Fonología