Papas chips para el desarrollo: Narrativas en torno al desarrollo y su influenciaen la gobernanza de cadenas de valor inclusivas que trabajan con pequeños productores y productoras de papa en Pazos y Pucará
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A pesar de que es el sector que genera más empleo a nivel nacional, el agro
peruano es uno de los sectores más olvidados y pobres. En los intentos de impulsarlo
y dinamizarlo, surgen iniciativas para conectar a los y las pequeñas productoras al
mercado a través de proyectos de desarrollo de cadena de valor. Si bien estos
plantean el incremento de los ingresos de los y las productores, en muchas ocasiones
estos optan por no participar, o también las inversiones de estos proyectos terminan
paradas. De entre los múltiples factores que pueden explicar la falta de sustentabilidad
de estos proyectos, se encuentran las discrepancias a nivel de cosmovisiones y
narrativas en torno al desarrollo. Este proyecto de plantea un marco para la
investigación de la influencia de las narrativas en torno al desarrollo de los actores
presentes en la cadena de valor de la papa para el mercado de procesamiento en la
gobernanza de estas, a nivel territorial. La conclusión de esta investigación es que la
selección del tema es pertinente, pero de acuerdo a la validación en campo, es
importante tomar en cuenta dimensiones estructurales como el género y la
discriminación, así como también elementos como la heterogeneidad de los actores.
A nivel metodológico nos plantea el reto de hacer herramientas de recojo más
pertinentes a nivel intercultural y aproximarnos a los y las productoras de tal manera
que sea un espacio cómodo y horizontal.
Even though it is the sector that provides the most employment in a national level, Peruvian agriculture is one of the most neglected and poorest sectors. In attempts to promote and stimulate it, initiatives arise to connect small producers to the market through value chain development projects. Although these generate an increase in the income of the producers, in many cases they choose not to participate,or also the investments of these projects end up stopped. Among the many factors that may explain the lack of sustainability of these projects, there are discrepancies at the level of worldviews and narratives about development. This project proposes a framework for research on the influence of narratives about development from the actors present in the potato value chain for the processing market in the governance of these, at a local level. The conclusion of this research is that the selection of the topic is relevant, but according to validation in the field, it is important to take into account structural dimensions such as gender and discrimination, as well as elementssuch as the heterogeneity of the actors. At a methodological level, it poses the challenge of making more appropriate collection tools at an intercultural level and approaching the producers in such a way that it is a comfortable and horizontal spacefor them to work with us.
Even though it is the sector that provides the most employment in a national level, Peruvian agriculture is one of the most neglected and poorest sectors. In attempts to promote and stimulate it, initiatives arise to connect small producers to the market through value chain development projects. Although these generate an increase in the income of the producers, in many cases they choose not to participate,or also the investments of these projects end up stopped. Among the many factors that may explain the lack of sustainability of these projects, there are discrepancies at the level of worldviews and narratives about development. This project proposes a framework for research on the influence of narratives about development from the actors present in the potato value chain for the processing market in the governance of these, at a local level. The conclusion of this research is that the selection of the topic is relevant, but according to validation in the field, it is important to take into account structural dimensions such as gender and discrimination, as well as elementssuch as the heterogeneity of the actors. At a methodological level, it poses the challenge of making more appropriate collection tools at an intercultural level and approaching the producers in such a way that it is a comfortable and horizontal spacefor them to work with us.
Cultivo de papa--Perú, Desarrollo económico--Aspectos sociales--Perú
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