La mejora de las instituciones para una buena gestión al problema de la escasez del agua en la costa del Perú para la agricultura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El agua es uno de los elementos más importantes para la vida en el planeta y para
la preservación de la misma. Es el recurso más abundante en el planeta, pero solo
el agua dulce, que es una mínima parte, puede ser consumida por el hombre y las
distintas especies para su subsistencia. Con el calentamiento global y por lo tanto
con el cambio climático la escasez de agua es cada vez más notoria. Los humanos
no solo usamos el agua para tomarla sino también para la producción de los
alimentos que consumimos diariamente, para generar energía y para la producción
industrial en general por lo que es de suma importancia para nuestra subsistencia
como especie. En el Perú la escasez de agua es un tema que siempre está presente
dado que la mayor parte de la población vive en la costa y a la vez gran parte de la
producción y el movimiento económico ocurre en esta región. Así, la agricultura es
uno de los sectores económicos que más recursos hídricos utiliza y la mayor parte
de esta actividad se realiza en la costa la cual es una zona desértica. Por lo tanto,
es un lugar sometido a un gran estrés hídrico. En el Perú la gestión del agua para
la agricultura necesita de mejoras para lidiar con la escasez de este elemento. El
objetivo de esta investigación es demostrar que una buena gobernanza del agua a
través de la mejora de las instituciones puede reducir la escasez de este elemento
para su uso en la agricultura. A través de la comparación de casos sobre la
gobernanza del agua se llega a la conclusión de que es necesario un cambio en las
instituciones para que la escasez del agua sea manejable y el uso del agua se
optimice de mejor manera en la agricultura.
Water is one of the most important elements for life on the planet and for its preservation. It is the most abundant resource on the planet, but only fresh water, which is a minimal part, can be consumed by man and the different species for their subsistence. With global warming and therefore with climate change, the scarcity of water is increasingly notorious. Humans not only use water to drink it but also to produce the food we consume daily, to generate energy and for industrial production in general, which is why it is of the utmost importance for our subsistence as a species. In Peru, the scarcity of water is an issue that is always present since most of the population lives on the coast and at the same time a large part of the production and economic movement occurs in this region. Thus, agriculture is one of the economic sectors that uses the most water resources and most of this activity is carried out on the coast, which is a desert area. Therefore, it is a place subject to great water stress. In Peru, the management of water for agriculture needs improvements to deal with the scarcity of this element. The objective of this research is to demonstrate that good water governance through improved institutions can reduce the shortage of this element for use in agriculture. Through the comparison of cases on water governance, it is concluded that a change in institutions is necessary so that water scarcity is manageable and water use is better optimized in agriculture.
Water is one of the most important elements for life on the planet and for its preservation. It is the most abundant resource on the planet, but only fresh water, which is a minimal part, can be consumed by man and the different species for their subsistence. With global warming and therefore with climate change, the scarcity of water is increasingly notorious. Humans not only use water to drink it but also to produce the food we consume daily, to generate energy and for industrial production in general, which is why it is of the utmost importance for our subsistence as a species. In Peru, the scarcity of water is an issue that is always present since most of the population lives on the coast and at the same time a large part of the production and economic movement occurs in this region. Thus, agriculture is one of the economic sectors that uses the most water resources and most of this activity is carried out on the coast, which is a desert area. Therefore, it is a place subject to great water stress. In Peru, the management of water for agriculture needs improvements to deal with the scarcity of this element. The objective of this research is to demonstrate that good water governance through improved institutions can reduce the shortage of this element for use in agriculture. Through the comparison of cases on water governance, it is concluded that a change in institutions is necessary so that water scarcity is manageable and water use is better optimized in agriculture.
Aguas para riego--Perú, Agua--Abastecimiento rural--Perú, Recursos hidráulicos--Perú, Agricultura--Perú
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