Participación privada y desarrollo productivo agrícola y social: Una evaluación de las modalidades de inversión APP y OxI en dos proyectos de irrigación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La situación de la infraestructura de riego en el Perú es deficiente, a pesar de la
relevancia que posee para la diversificación de los cultivos, articulación a los
mercados, la seguridad alimentaria y la mejora de las condiciones de vida de los
agricultores. Los reportes muestran un incremento de la superficie bajo riego; sin
embargo, continúan en desventaja ciertas áreas agrícolas predominantemente
pobres, en las que la agricultura es la principal actividad económica. A lo que
también se suma las deficiencias y lentitud en la ejecución del gasto de los
proyectos de este sector. En ese sentido, dada la importancia de la
infraestructura de riego, se dirige la atención hacia modalidades de inversión
privada como las Obras por impuestos (OxI) y Asociaciones públicos-privadas
(APP), como alternativas a la Inversión pública tradicional. En la presente
investigación se pretende identificar el impacto en el desarrollo productivo
agrícola (incremento de la producción por hectárea) y en las condiciones de vida
de los campesinos (acceso a servicios de salud y educación) del empleo de los
mecanismos de inversión con participación privada (APP y OxI) en la provisión
de infraestructura de riego. Para ello se recurre a dos proyectos de irrigación, el
primero es Quía y Rinrin Pampa, realizado bajo la modalidad de OxI, y Olmos,
realizado a través de una APP. El estudio empleará los datos de la Encuesta
Nacional Agropecuaria y la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares para los años 2015 y
2018. Adicionalmente, las metodologías de emparejamiento y diferencias en
The situation of the irrigation infrastructure in Peru is deficient, despite its relevance for the diversification of crops, articulation to markets, food security and the improvement of the living conditions of farmers. Reports show that surface under irrigation have increased; however, some agricultural areas where the population is predominantly poor and agriculture is the main economic activity, do not yet access to this type of infrastructure. In addition, the shortcomings and slowness in the implementation of the expenditure of the projects in this sector are also added. Therefore, given the importance of irrigation infrastructure, attention is directed towards private investment modalities such as Works for Taxes and Public-Private Partnerships, as alternatives to traditional public investment. This research aims to identify the impact on agricultural productive development (increase production per hectare) and on the living conditions of farmers (access to health and education services) of the use of investment mechanisms with private participation in the provision of irrigation infrastructure. For this purpose, two irrigation projects are used; the first is Quia and Rinrin Pampa carried out by Works for Taxes modality, and Olmos, by Public- Private Partnerships. The study will use data from the National Agricultural Survey and the National Household Survey for 2015 and 2018. Additionally, the methodologies of matching and differences in differences.
The situation of the irrigation infrastructure in Peru is deficient, despite its relevance for the diversification of crops, articulation to markets, food security and the improvement of the living conditions of farmers. Reports show that surface under irrigation have increased; however, some agricultural areas where the population is predominantly poor and agriculture is the main economic activity, do not yet access to this type of infrastructure. In addition, the shortcomings and slowness in the implementation of the expenditure of the projects in this sector are also added. Therefore, given the importance of irrigation infrastructure, attention is directed towards private investment modalities such as Works for Taxes and Public-Private Partnerships, as alternatives to traditional public investment. This research aims to identify the impact on agricultural productive development (increase production per hectare) and on the living conditions of farmers (access to health and education services) of the use of investment mechanisms with private participation in the provision of irrigation infrastructure. For this purpose, two irrigation projects are used; the first is Quia and Rinrin Pampa carried out by Works for Taxes modality, and Olmos, by Public- Private Partnerships. The study will use data from the National Agricultural Survey and the National Household Survey for 2015 and 2018. Additionally, the methodologies of matching and differences in differences.
Riego--Administración--Perú, Productividad agrícola--Perú, Empresas privadas--Perú
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