Las tradiciones y creencias familiares alrededor de la muerte: Revisión de un documental desde la dirección y su fotografía
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
“Efímero” es un documental que se adentra en el mundo de una familia con muchos misterios,
recuerdos, reencarnaciones, reliquias familiares y sobre todo con muchas preguntas sobre la
vida después de la muerte. Una madre e hija empiezan a cuestionarse diversas cosas sobre su
familia, en específico sobre un cráneo que tenían como reliquia por varios años, como un
método de protección, pero que con el pasar del tiempo empezó a generar cierto malestar. En
la presente investigación, se busca analizar cómo es que estas vivencias familiares reflejadas en
la pantalla a través del documental, aporta a que personas que se sientan identificadas con el
tema puedan ver que es algo común en las familias o hasta los que tienen esa curiosidad sobre
lo desconocido, puedan adentrarse más a este mundo y aunque al final tengas más dudas que
respuestas. Además, se pretende que el espectador pueda captar las emociones que transmiten
los personajes que aparecen en el cortometraje desde las diferentes técnicas audiovisuales que
se emplean. De esta manera, “Efímero” tiene como objetivo mostrar al público diversos hechos
de la vida cotidiana y entrevistas orgánicas a dichos personajes para adentrarse mucho más en
un mundo lleno de misterios y asuntos sin resolver de una familia mostrando su sentir a través
de la dirección general y dirección de fotografía.
"Ephemeral" is a documentary that delves into the world of a family with many mysteries, memories, reincarnations, family relics and especially with many questions about life after death. A mother and daughter begin to question various things about their family, specifically about a skull they had as a relic for several years, as a method of protection, but that over time began to generate some discomfort. In this research, we seek to analyze how these family experiences reflected on the screen through the documentary, it helps people who feel identified with the subject can see that it is something common in families or even those who have that curiosity about the unknown, they can get deeper into this world and even if in the end you have more doubts than answers. In addition, it is intended that the viewer can capture the emotions transmitted by the characters that appear in the short film from the different audiovisual techniques used. In this way, "Ephemeral" aims to show the public various facts of everyday life and organic interviews to such characters to delve much deeper into a world full of mysteries and unresolved issues of a family showing their feelings through the general direction and direction of photography.
"Ephemeral" is a documentary that delves into the world of a family with many mysteries, memories, reincarnations, family relics and especially with many questions about life after death. A mother and daughter begin to question various things about their family, specifically about a skull they had as a relic for several years, as a method of protection, but that over time began to generate some discomfort. In this research, we seek to analyze how these family experiences reflected on the screen through the documentary, it helps people who feel identified with the subject can see that it is something common in families or even those who have that curiosity about the unknown, they can get deeper into this world and even if in the end you have more doubts than answers. In addition, it is intended that the viewer can capture the emotions transmitted by the characters that appear in the short film from the different audiovisual techniques used. In this way, "Ephemeral" aims to show the public various facts of everyday life and organic interviews to such characters to delve much deeper into a world full of mysteries and unresolved issues of a family showing their feelings through the general direction and direction of photography.
Comunicación audiovisual, Documentales--Producción y dirección
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