Docentes por un Mundo Mejor : Fomentando espacios escolares libres de discriminación por diversidad sexual
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La discriminación por orientación sexual en las escuelas es un problema que afecta la
autoestima, el desarrollo integral y el proceso de aprendizaje, ya que no hay un ambiente de
respeto ni de valoración. Es por eso que, se presenta el trabajo de investigación denominado
“Docentes por un Mundo Mejor: Fomentando espacios escolares libres de discriminación
por diversidad sexual”. Para este trabajo, se planteó la siguiente problemática
comunicacional: el miedo de los docentes de secundaria del colegio Mundo Mejor de
Chimbote a abordar temas relacionados a la diversidad sexual en las aulas, debido a que se
sienten poco preparados para mediar espacios libres de violencia contra discriminación sexual
en los que se pueda hablar con respeto, empatía y asertividad de estos temas. El objetivo
principal fortalecer las competencias y seguridad de los docentes para propiciar y generar
espacios respetuosos, empáticos, asertivos y libres de violencia contra la diversidad sexual.
Asimismo, se propuso trabajar a través de dos enfoques: Género, que se basa en la necesidad
de reflexionar sobre las identidades masculinas y femeninas como constructos sociales, y,
Derechos Humanos, relacionado al reconocimiento de los estudiantes como sujetos de
derechos y no como objetos de cuidado. El recojo de información utiliza una metodología
cualitativa y cuantitativa, y se propone la ejecución de nueve actividades que cumplen con
los objetivos específicos del proyecto. Por su parte, las estrategias utilizadas tienen una
metodología dialógica y participativa, testimonial, edu-entretenimiento y comunicación
comunitaria; por ello, el proyecto está diseñado para ser implementado de manera presencial.
Finalmente, se rescata que la comunicación para el desarrollo es clave pues permite cambiar
las actitudes y comportamientos de los docentes para convertirlos en agentes de cambio.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation in schools affects self-esteem, integral development and, above all, the learning process of students, since there is no environment of respected or appreciation. For this reason, the research work called "Docentes por un Mundo Mejor: Fomentando espacios escolares libres de discriminación por diversidad sexual " is presented. For this work, the following communication problem was raised: the fear of secondary school teachers of the Mundo Mejor school in Chimbote to address issues related to sexual diversity in the classroom because they feel unprepared to mediate spaces free of violence against sexual discrimination in which they can talk about these issues with respect, empathy and assertiveness. The main objective is to strengthen the competencies and security of teachers to promote and generate respectful, empathetic, assertive and violence-free spaces against sexual diversity. It was also proposed to work through two approaches: Gender, which is based on the need to reflect on masculine and feminine identities as social constructs, and Human Rights, related to the recognition of students as subjects of rights and not as objects of care. The collection of information uses a qualitative and quantitative methodology, and nine activities are proposed that meet the specific objectives of the project . The strategies used have a dialogic and participatory methodology, testimonial, edutainment and community communication; therefore, the project is designed to be implemented in a face-to-face manner. Finally, it should be noted that communication for development is key because it allows us to change the attitudes and behaviors of teachers in order to turn them into agents of change.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation in schools affects self-esteem, integral development and, above all, the learning process of students, since there is no environment of respected or appreciation. For this reason, the research work called "Docentes por un Mundo Mejor: Fomentando espacios escolares libres de discriminación por diversidad sexual " is presented. For this work, the following communication problem was raised: the fear of secondary school teachers of the Mundo Mejor school in Chimbote to address issues related to sexual diversity in the classroom because they feel unprepared to mediate spaces free of violence against sexual discrimination in which they can talk about these issues with respect, empathy and assertiveness. The main objective is to strengthen the competencies and security of teachers to promote and generate respectful, empathetic, assertive and violence-free spaces against sexual diversity. It was also proposed to work through two approaches: Gender, which is based on the need to reflect on masculine and feminine identities as social constructs, and Human Rights, related to the recognition of students as subjects of rights and not as objects of care. The collection of information uses a qualitative and quantitative methodology, and nine activities are proposed that meet the specific objectives of the project . The strategies used have a dialogic and participatory methodology, testimonial, edutainment and community communication; therefore, the project is designed to be implemented in a face-to-face manner. Finally, it should be noted that communication for development is key because it allows us to change the attitudes and behaviors of teachers in order to turn them into agents of change.
Educación secundaria--Perú--Chimbote (Ancash : Distrito), Discriminación sexual en la educación, Acoso escolar, Formación profesional de maestros
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