Los adicionales de obra mayores al 15% del monto del contrato y su implicancia en el sistema normativo peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo busca analizar la naturaleza de las prestaciones adicionales
de obra en un contrato de ejecución de obra bajo la Ley de Contrataciones del
Estado y su Reglamento y aquellas implicancias que, hasta la fecha, han sido
determinantes para su obtención. A través de la presente investigación
podremos cuestionar si el motivo real por el cual la Contraloría General de la
República interviene en la autorización de adicionales que superan cierto monto
contractual es, efectivamente el cuidado del tesoro público. Además,
evaluaremos aquellas consecuencias que trae consigo el adicional de obra una
vez que ya ha sido aprobado, tanto como en el marco de ejecución del contrato,
así como en el marco del procedimiento administrativo en sí mismo en caso una
de las partes involucradas no se encuentre conforme con la decisión de la
Contraloría al momento de expedir su pronunciamiento respectivo sobre el
adicional en cuestión.
This paper seeks to analyse the nature of additional services in a contract for the execution of works under the State Contracting Law and its Regulations and the implications that, to date, have been decisive in obtaining them. Through this research, we will be able to question whether the real reason why the Comptroller General of the Republic intervenes in the authorisation of additional services that exceed a certain contractual amount is, in fact, to protect the public treasury. Furthermore, we will evaluate the consequences of the additional work once it has already been approved, both within the framework of the execution of the contract as well as within the framework of the administrative procedure itself in case one of the parties involved does not agree with the decision of the Comptroller General when issuing its respective pronouncement on the additional work in question.
This paper seeks to analyse the nature of additional services in a contract for the execution of works under the State Contracting Law and its Regulations and the implications that, to date, have been decisive in obtaining them. Through this research, we will be able to question whether the real reason why the Comptroller General of the Republic intervenes in the authorisation of additional services that exceed a certain contractual amount is, in fact, to protect the public treasury. Furthermore, we will evaluate the consequences of the additional work once it has already been approved, both within the framework of the execution of the contract as well as within the framework of the administrative procedure itself in case one of the parties involved does not agree with the decision of the Comptroller General when issuing its respective pronouncement on the additional work in question.
Contratos públicos--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Licitaciones y contratos, Obras públicas--Legislación--Perú