¿Es posible considerar a la prostitución como una prestación de servicios? Análisis de la Ordenanza Municipal N°1718 de la MML
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La relevancia del presente trabajo es que se critica la Ordenanza Municipal N°
1718 de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima, que sanciona con 2 IUT a la
persona que ofrece en la vía pública la actividad de la prostitución, y se expone
argumentos acerca de por qué se debe considerar a la prostitución callejera
como una actividad enmarcada en la prestación de servicios. Asimismo, se
cuestiona la justificación moral que generalmente tienen las normas que
sancionan a la prostitución, puesto que el efecto que en realidad se obtiene, con
su eventual aplicación, es el poner en mayor estado de vulnerabilidad a un grupo
que de por sí ya se encuentra en dicha condición. Nuestra hipótesis es que la
prostitución callejera es un trabajo sexual y, como el resto de trabajos por cuenta
propia, debería der ser considerada como una prestación de servicios para
obtener los beneficios sociales correspondientes. El método de la investigación
es interdisciplinario, puesto que el objeto de investigación será analizado tanto
por el Derecho, como por estudios de género. Las conclusiones fueron que la
prostitución callejera puede considerarse una prestación de servicios, ya que
cumple con todos sus componentes básicos, en contextos como los países
europeos o más desarrollados, mas no en el Perú, por el estado de mayor
vulnerabilidad en la que se encuentran las trabajadoras sexuales. Entonces, el
éxito de considerar a la prostitución callejera como un trabajo en el Perú, será
que no existirán más condiciones sociales que generen estados de
vulnerabilidad extremos que empujen a ejercer la prostitución y, por el contrario,
se protegerán mejor los derechos de las trabajadoras sexuales.
The relevance of this research is that the Ordenanza Municipal No. 1718 de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima is criticized, which sanctions with 2 IUT the person who offers the activity of prostitution on public roads, and arguments are made about why street prostitution should be considered as an activity framed in the provision of services. Likewise, the moral justification that the norms that sanction prostitution generally have is questioned, since the effect that is actually obtained is to put in a greater state of vulnerability a group that is already in such condition. Our hypothesis is that street prostitution is sex work and, like other selfemployment, it should be considered as a provision of services to obtain the corresponding social benefits. The research method is interdisciplinary, since the research object will be analyzed both by law and by gender studies. The conclusions were that street prostitution can be considered a service provision, since it complies with all its basic components, in contexts such as European or more developed countries, but not in Peru, due to the state of greatest vulnerability in which sex workers are found. Therefore, the success of considering street prostitution as a job in Peru will be that there will be no more social conditions that generate states of extreme vulnerability that will push prostitution and, on the contrary, will better protect the rights of women sexual workers.
The relevance of this research is that the Ordenanza Municipal No. 1718 de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima is criticized, which sanctions with 2 IUT the person who offers the activity of prostitution on public roads, and arguments are made about why street prostitution should be considered as an activity framed in the provision of services. Likewise, the moral justification that the norms that sanction prostitution generally have is questioned, since the effect that is actually obtained is to put in a greater state of vulnerability a group that is already in such condition. Our hypothesis is that street prostitution is sex work and, like other selfemployment, it should be considered as a provision of services to obtain the corresponding social benefits. The research method is interdisciplinary, since the research object will be analyzed both by law and by gender studies. The conclusions were that street prostitution can be considered a service provision, since it complies with all its basic components, in contexts such as European or more developed countries, but not in Peru, due to the state of greatest vulnerability in which sex workers are found. Therefore, the success of considering street prostitution as a job in Peru will be that there will be no more social conditions that generate states of extreme vulnerability that will push prostitution and, on the contrary, will better protect the rights of women sexual workers.
Ordenanzas municipales--Perú, Prostitución--Aspectos legales--Perú
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