Proyecto Trazos : una mirada a los miedos generacionales desde el género experimental
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación de proyecto audiovisual es realizado para
mostrar la existencia de los miedos y sus distintas formas de manifestación en tres
personajes de diferentes edades en formato experimental, de manera que el
espectador pueda interpretar de forma personal estas historias y se reconozcan en
una o más de una de ellas. Esto, con el objetivo general de describir el impacto de
los miedos generacionales mediante la representación audiovisual de dichas
emociones. Como objetivos específicos tenemos el de mostrar, mediante los planos,
montajes y musicalización, las sensaciones y emociones que genera cada miedo
según la generación en la que se encuentre; y retratar, mediante el concepto
temático de de nuestras historias, que los miedos por generaciones son universales.
Para ello se realiza una investigación empírica y teórica. Utilizamos tanto fuentes
escritas de estudios sobre los miedos y sus características en base a los géneros y
edades; como testimonios recolectados personalmente por cada uno de nosotros,
de personas que nos rodean. Se busca realizar un proyecto sensorial que genere
reflexiones profundas en quién lo consuma, pero apuntamos también a que
finalmente se comprenda a los temores propios y personales como algo universal,
reconocido en cada uno de nosotros de manera distinta; pero a grandes rasgos
similar a pesar de las diferencias.
This audiovisual project research work is carried out to show the existence of fears and their different forms of manifestation in three characters of different ages with an experimental format, so the viewer can interpret these stories in a personal way and recognize themself in one or more of them. This, with the general objective of describing the impact of generational fears through an audiovisual representation of these emotions. As specific objectives we have to show, through the shots, montage and musicalization, the sensations and emotions generated by each fear according to the generation; and portray, through the thematic concept of our stories, that fears in generations are universal. To this end, empirical and theoretical research is carried out. We use both written sources of studies on fears and their characteristics based on genders and ages; as well as testimonies collected by each of us, from people around us. It seeks to carry out a sensory project that generates deep reflections in who consumes it, but we also aim to finally understand our own and personal fears as something universal, recognized in each of us in a different way; but broadly similar despite the differences.
This audiovisual project research work is carried out to show the existence of fears and their different forms of manifestation in three characters of different ages with an experimental format, so the viewer can interpret these stories in a personal way and recognize themself in one or more of them. This, with the general objective of describing the impact of generational fears through an audiovisual representation of these emotions. As specific objectives we have to show, through the shots, montage and musicalization, the sensations and emotions generated by each fear according to the generation; and portray, through the thematic concept of our stories, that fears in generations are universal. To this end, empirical and theoretical research is carried out. We use both written sources of studies on fears and their characteristics based on genders and ages; as well as testimonies collected by each of us, from people around us. It seeks to carry out a sensory project that generates deep reflections in who consumes it, but we also aim to finally understand our own and personal fears as something universal, recognized in each of us in a different way; but broadly similar despite the differences.
Miedo--Aspectos sociales, Cortometraje--Producción y dirección--Perú
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