Estudio de caso de un estudiante de 2º grado de primaria con dificultad en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y léxicos ortográficos de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el nivel inicial, los niños desarrollan habilidades básicas para un buen desempeño en el nivel primario. Sin
embargo, en el transcurso de la etapa escolar, algunos niños presentan dificultades en la lectura, la escritura
o las matemáticas. Esto debido a que no se consolidan las habilidades básicas o los predictores y facilitadores
de la lectura, escritura y matemática. El caso en mención cursa el segundo grado de primaria, presenta
problemas de imprecisión y fluidez en la lectura, lo cual impacta en la escritura. El objetivo del presente trabajo
es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención acorde a las dificultades del caso. El proceso de intervención
en la lectura, evidencia que al trabajar el proceso léxico con tareas de análisis y síntesis, se mejora la precisión
y la fluidez de la lectura de palabras. Esto permite que el niño acceda al significado de la palabra cuando lee.
La intervención en el proceso sintáctico, en el componente de signos de puntuación, permite un mejor
desempeño en la precisión de la entonación al leer. En cuanto a la escritura, al desarrollar la ortografía fonética
del proceso léxico ortográfico con el mismo vocabulario de la lectura, se logra desarrollar una escritura más
precisa con mayor dominio en la conversión fonema grafema. En conclusión, el plan de intervención aplicado
demuestra el desarrollo de los procesos léxicos de la lectura y de la escritura, junto con los procesos sintácticos
de la lectura que impacta en el desempeño de la comprensión lectora.
At the initial level, children develop basic skills for good performance at the primary level. However, in the course of school, some children have difficulties in reading, writing or mathematics. This is because the basic skills or the predictors and facilitators of reading, writing and mathematics are not consolidated. The case in question is in the second grade of primary school, presents problems of imprecision and fluency in reading, which has an impact on writing. The objective of this work is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties of the case. The intervention process in reading shows that by working on the lexical process with analysis and synthesis tasks, the precision and fluency of word reading is improved. This allows the child to access the meaning of the word when reading. The intervention in the syntactic process, in the component of punctuation marks, allows a better performance in the precision of intonation when reading. As for writing, by developing the phonetic spelling of the orthographic lexical process with the same vocabulary of reading, it is possible to develop a more precise writing with greater mastery in phoneme-grapheme conversion. In conclusion, the applied intervention plan demonstrates the development of the lexical processes of reading and writing, together with the syntactic processes of reading that impact on the performance of reading comprehension.
At the initial level, children develop basic skills for good performance at the primary level. However, in the course of school, some children have difficulties in reading, writing or mathematics. This is because the basic skills or the predictors and facilitators of reading, writing and mathematics are not consolidated. The case in question is in the second grade of primary school, presents problems of imprecision and fluency in reading, which has an impact on writing. The objective of this work is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties of the case. The intervention process in reading shows that by working on the lexical process with analysis and synthesis tasks, the precision and fluency of word reading is improved. This allows the child to access the meaning of the word when reading. The intervention in the syntactic process, in the component of punctuation marks, allows a better performance in the precision of intonation when reading. As for writing, by developing the phonetic spelling of the orthographic lexical process with the same vocabulary of reading, it is possible to develop a more precise writing with greater mastery in phoneme-grapheme conversion. In conclusion, the applied intervention plan demonstrates the development of the lexical processes of reading and writing, together with the syntactic processes of reading that impact on the performance of reading comprehension.
Niños con problemas de aprendizaje--Estudio de casos, Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria)