Voces libres: Proyecto para promover las prácticas preventivas frente a la trata de personas en adolescentes
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La trata de personas en el Perú es una problemática aún por resolver, posee sus causas
estructurales y también hay temas pendientes en la prevención, denuncia, y protección y
reintegración de las víctimas. En consecuencia, la presente investigación se centra en el eje
preventivo-promocional de las prácticas preventivas y de denuncia frente a la trata de
personas en adolescentes de secundaria del Perú. Para ello, se realizó un diagnóstico de
comunicación a través de revisión documentaria, especialistas, docentes y adolescentes a
través del uso de herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas. La metodología que se utilizó fue
de carácter empírico y tuvo un alcance exploratorio, asimismo la investigación fue de tipo
transversal. Como resultado, se concluye que los y las adolescentes se encuentran en una
posición de vulnerabilidad, debido a que no conocen los mecanismos y prácticas de
prevención y la forma en la que se comunican estos son difusionistas y generalistas. A partir
de ello, se diseña el proyecto de Comunicación para el Desarrollo titulado “Prácticas
preventivas frente a la trata de personas en adolescentes: Voces Libres” que busca promover
la cultura de denuncia y prácticas preventivas frente a la trata de personas con adolescentes
escolares de secundaria como agentes de cambio como parte de una política/estrategia de
comunicación a nivel de entidades estatales en el Perú en 3 años. Esto último, a partir de
estrategias de empatía, relacionamiento multi-actor, educomunicación e innovación y
Human trafficking in Peru is an issue that is still unresolved, with its underlying causes and pending issues in the prevention, reporting, protection, and reintegration of victims. Consequently, this research focuses on the preventive-promotional axis of preventive practices and reporting on human trafficking among secondary school adolescents in Peru. To achieve this, a communication diagnosis was conducted through document review and consultations with specialists, teachers, and adolescents, using both quantitative and qualitative tools. The methodology employed was empirical, with an exploratory scope, and the research was cross-sectional. As a result, it is concluded that adolescents are in a vulnerable position, as they are unaware of preventive mechanisms and practices, and the communication channels used are diffusion-based and generalist in nature. Based on these results, Communication for Development project titled "Preventive Practices against Human Trafficking in Adolescents: Free Voices" was designed, aiming to promote a culture of reporting and preventive practices against human trafficking among secondary school adolescents as agents of change as part of a communication policy/strategy within state entities in Peru over 3 years. This project will employ strategies such as empathy, multi-actor engagement, educommunication, innovation and creation.
Human trafficking in Peru is an issue that is still unresolved, with its underlying causes and pending issues in the prevention, reporting, protection, and reintegration of victims. Consequently, this research focuses on the preventive-promotional axis of preventive practices and reporting on human trafficking among secondary school adolescents in Peru. To achieve this, a communication diagnosis was conducted through document review and consultations with specialists, teachers, and adolescents, using both quantitative and qualitative tools. The methodology employed was empirical, with an exploratory scope, and the research was cross-sectional. As a result, it is concluded that adolescents are in a vulnerable position, as they are unaware of preventive mechanisms and practices, and the communication channels used are diffusion-based and generalist in nature. Based on these results, Communication for Development project titled "Preventive Practices against Human Trafficking in Adolescents: Free Voices" was designed, aiming to promote a culture of reporting and preventive practices against human trafficking among secondary school adolescents as agents of change as part of a communication policy/strategy within state entities in Peru over 3 years. This project will employ strategies such as empathy, multi-actor engagement, educommunication, innovation and creation.
Trata de personas--Perú--Prevención, Adolescentes--Perú, Comunicación para el desarrollo
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