¿Resulta necesario incluir en los contratos regulados por la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado una cláusula resolutoria expresa, bajo sanción de nulidad?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo aborda el PL en el que se plantea la incorporación de la
cláusula resolutoria expresa en los contratos de la LCE. Al respecto, se analiza
la naturaleza de dicho mecanismo y sus requisitos. A partir de ello se concluye
que no resulta conveniente su incorporación en el reglamento contractual de
los contratos de la LCE. Esto, porque colisiona con el principio de continuidad y
porque actualmente la administración no nos asegura que sean diseñadas y
ejecutadas adecuadamente. En ese mismo sentido, se determina que no es
conveniente plantear una consecuencia tan grave como la nulidad del contrato
por la no inclusión de una cláusula resolutoria expresa. Ello, en la medida que
se trata de un diseño especial que necesariamente debe contemplar ciertos
requisitos que, de omitirse, conllevarían a que se trate de una cláusula de estilo
y, por ende, se tenga como no puesta.
This article deals with the PL in which the incorporation of the express resolution clause in the LCE contracts is proposed. In this regard, the nature of said mechanism and its requirements are analyzed. Based on this, it is concluded that its incorporation into the contractual regulations of LCE contracts is not convenient. This, because it collides with the principle of continuity and because currently the administration does not assure us that they are properly designed and executed. In the same sense, it is determined that it is not convenient to raise a consequence as serious as the nullity of the contract due to the non-inclusion of an express resolutive clause. This, to the extent that it is a special design that must necessarily contemplate certain requirements that, if omitted, would lead to it being a style clause and, therefore, be considered as not set.
This article deals with the PL in which the incorporation of the express resolution clause in the LCE contracts is proposed. In this regard, the nature of said mechanism and its requirements are analyzed. Based on this, it is concluded that its incorporation into the contractual regulations of LCE contracts is not convenient. This, because it collides with the principle of continuity and because currently the administration does not assure us that they are properly designed and executed. In the same sense, it is determined that it is not convenient to raise a consequence as serious as the nullity of the contract due to the non-inclusion of an express resolutive clause. This, to the extent that it is a special design that must necessarily contemplate certain requirements that, if omitted, would lead to it being a style clause and, therefore, be considered as not set.
Contratos públicos, Procedimiento administrativo