Agencia +Conexión: Campaña para cliente Spid
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la creación de una campaña de lanzamiento para la
marca Spid, el nuevo servicio de delivery de Cencosud. La justificación de este proyecto
consiste en la necesidad de buscar nuevas alternativas de comunicación para las marcas, que
logren llamar la atención de los consumidores, dentro de un mercado que se encuentra
saturado con decenas de aplicaciones móviles que buscan tener un lugar en los celulares de
los usuarios. Es por esto que, se propone una campaña para poder responder a las necesidades
del público objetivo de Spid, quienes buscan rapidez, confianza y recibir un buen servicio por
parte de las empresas. Nuestra metodología consistió en 200 encuestas y 2 grupos focales con
10 participantes en total, personas entre 25 a 35 años, residentes de Lima, quienes viven solos
o con compañeros, son independientes o con proyección a independizarse, nativos de la
tecnología y realizan ellos mismos sus compras del hogar. A partir de esto se identificaron
hallazgos como el deseo de los clientes de que las promesas que presentan las marcas sean
realmente cumplidas; que se priorice la buena atención al cliente; y el cuidado y
responsabilidad al momento de elegir y transportar productos alimenticios que finalmente
serán consumidos. De manera que, a partir de estos insights se creó la campaña “No
cualquiera puede ganarse el chaleco Spid”. En la cual al hacer uso de los símbolos de calidad
(chalecos), se busca crear confianza en el público, demostrando qué tan en serio Spid se toma
las compras de supermercado. Así pues, cada pieza creada para medios como TV, radio,
activaciones, vía pública y digital giró en torno a esta idea.
This work aims to create a launch campaign for the Spid brand, Cencosud's new delivery service. The justification for this project consists of the need to search for new communication alternatives for brands, which manage to attract the attention of consumers, within a market that is saturated with dozens of mobile applications that are seeking to have a place on user’s mobile phones. That is why, a campaign is proposed to be able to respond to the needs of Spid's public objective, who seek speed, trust and good service in companies. For this, 200 surveys and 2 focus groups were carried out with a total of 10 participants to people between 25 and 35 years old, residents of Lima, who live alone or with partners, are independent or with projection to become independent, natives of technology and buy household products. From this, it was identified the desire of the clients so that the promises that the brands present are really fulfilled; that good customer service is prioritized; and care and responsibility when choosing and transporting food products. So, based on these insights, the campaign "Not everyone can win the Spid vest" was created. In which, by making use of quality symbols (vests), it seeks to create trust in the public, demonstrating how seriously Spid takes supermarket purchases. Thus, each piece created for media such as TV, radio, activations, Out of Home, and digital revolved around this idea.
This work aims to create a launch campaign for the Spid brand, Cencosud's new delivery service. The justification for this project consists of the need to search for new communication alternatives for brands, which manage to attract the attention of consumers, within a market that is saturated with dozens of mobile applications that are seeking to have a place on user’s mobile phones. That is why, a campaign is proposed to be able to respond to the needs of Spid's public objective, who seek speed, trust and good service in companies. For this, 200 surveys and 2 focus groups were carried out with a total of 10 participants to people between 25 and 35 years old, residents of Lima, who live alone or with partners, are independent or with projection to become independent, natives of technology and buy household products. From this, it was identified the desire of the clients so that the promises that the brands present are really fulfilled; that good customer service is prioritized; and care and responsibility when choosing and transporting food products. So, based on these insights, the campaign "Not everyone can win the Spid vest" was created. In which, by making use of quality symbols (vests), it seeks to create trust in the public, demonstrating how seriously Spid takes supermarket purchases. Thus, each piece created for media such as TV, radio, activations, Out of Home, and digital revolved around this idea.
Alimentos--Distribución, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles, Campañas publicitarias, Posicionamiento (Publicidad)
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