Movilidad, activismo cultural e identidad Amazónica en y desde el extranjero (2010-2023)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este proyecto de investigación describe las historias de vida de cinco indígenas shipibos
de la Amazonía que han viajado por largos periodos al extranjero o decidieron quedarse
a vivir allí. La investigación describe cómo ellos han redefinido sus identidades después
de la experiencia de movilidad y de haber desarrollado algunas actividades culturales en
y desde Alemania, Austria, Francia y Argentina, todo dentro del marco de la
globalización. Saber ello es importante, porque cubre los vacíos de la historia actual de
la migración de los pueblos Amazónicos y explica un fenómeno nuevo relacionado a la
identidad, migración y cultura transnacional. La metodología de la investigación parte de
principios etnográficos, ya que pone en práctica técnicas como la observación, la
construcción de historias de vida, el registro audiovisual y las entrevistas seriadas y
semiestructuradas que se han realizado desde el año 2018 y que continuaron hasta fines
del año 2023. Los objetivos del proyecto es discutir la identidad indígena en estos
contextos. Y los resultados demuestran que la identidad es un proceso agencial
independiente de la estructura cultural o política de lo “indígena”, es pragmática y
económica para estos casos estudiados en el extranjero.
This research project describes the life stories of five indigenous Shipibo people from the Amazon who have traveled for long periods abroad or decided to stay and live there. The research describes how they have redefined their identities after the experience of mobility and having developed some cultural activities in and from Germany, Austria, France and Argentina, all within the framework of globalization. This knowledge is important because it fills gaps in the current history of migration of Amazonian peoples and explains a new phenomenon related to identity, migration and transnational culture. The research methodology starts from ethnographic principles, as it implements techniques such as observation, construction of life histories, audiovisual recording and serial and semi-structured interviews that have been conducted since 2018 and continued until the end of 2023. The objectives of the project is to discuss indigenous identity in these contexts. And the results show that identity is an agential process independent of the cultural or political structure of the "indigenous", it is pragmatic and economic for these cases studied.
This research project describes the life stories of five indigenous Shipibo people from the Amazon who have traveled for long periods abroad or decided to stay and live there. The research describes how they have redefined their identities after the experience of mobility and having developed some cultural activities in and from Germany, Austria, France and Argentina, all within the framework of globalization. This knowledge is important because it fills gaps in the current history of migration of Amazonian peoples and explains a new phenomenon related to identity, migration and transnational culture. The research methodology starts from ethnographic principles, as it implements techniques such as observation, construction of life histories, audiovisual recording and serial and semi-structured interviews that have been conducted since 2018 and continued until the end of 2023. The objectives of the project is to discuss indigenous identity in these contexts. And the results show that identity is an agential process independent of the cultural or political structure of the "indigenous", it is pragmatic and economic for these cases studied.
Shipibos--Identidad étnica, Artistas peruanos--Amazonía, Región, Peruanos en Europa--Identidad étnica, Peruanos en Argentina--Identidad étnica, Perú--Emigración e inmigración
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