Estado del arte: el desarrollo de la reflexión ética desde la literatura infantil en primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este artículo es un estado del arte que aborda el proceso de desarrollo de la reflexión ética
desde la literatura infantil en la educación primaria. La investigación tiene como objetivo dar a
conocer, a los interesados en el tema, los aportes de diversos autores sobre la relación entre
el uso de la literatura infantil como impulsor del desarrollo de la reflexión ética de los
estudiantes. En cuanto a la ruta metodológica, el horizonte temporal de los recursos
analizados corresponde a los últimos treinta años; siendo los principales medios, fuentes
académicas de repositorios de universidades, artículos académicos y de investigación como
tesis, trabajos para la obtención de grados, revistas de literatura y pedagogía. En ese sentido,
la estructura del trabajo se compone de dos núcleos temáticos y cinco subtemas en total. El
primero, referido a la literatura infantil y la formación moral en la infancia, con subtemas como
la literatura y el lector infantil como público; la formación moral en la infancia y el discurso
moralizante de la literatura infantil. El segundo, concebido como literatura infantil y el
desarrollo de la reflexión ética en la educación primaria; siendo los subtemas, la
caracterización de la literatura infantil como impulsores de la reflexión ética y la estructura
narrativa como estructura de la reflexión ética. Por último, como reflexiones finales, se ha
observado que existe una mayor tendencia, en el ámbito internacional, por investigar la
relación entre la literatura infantil y el proceso de reflexión ética; mientras que, en el ámbito
nacional peruano, existe un escaso apego por la investigación en torno a este tema;
constituyéndose como un hito importante para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones.
This article is a state-of-the-art approach to the process of developing ethical reflection from children's literature in primary education. The aim of the research is to present to those interested in the subject, the contributions of various authors on the relationship between the use of children's literature as a driver of the development of ethical reflection of students. As for the methodological route, the time horizon of the resources analyzed corresponds to the last thirty years; being the main media, academic sources of university repositories, academic and research articles as thesis, works for obtaining degrees, literature and pedagogy magazines. In this sense, the structure of the work is composed of two thematic nuclei and five sub-themes in total. The first one, referred to children's literature and moral formation in childhood, with sub-themes such as literature and the children's reader as a public moral formation in childhood and the moralizing discourse of children's literature. The second one, conceived as children's literature and the development of ethical reflection in primary education; being the subtopics, the characterization of children's literature as the promoters of ethical reflection and the narrative structure as the structure of ethical reflection. Finally, as final reflections, it has been observed that there is a greater tendency, in the international sphere, to investigate the relationship between children's literature and the process of ethical reflection; while in the Peruvian national sphere, there is little attachment to research on this topic; constituting an important milestone for the development of future research.
This article is a state-of-the-art approach to the process of developing ethical reflection from children's literature in primary education. The aim of the research is to present to those interested in the subject, the contributions of various authors on the relationship between the use of children's literature as a driver of the development of ethical reflection of students. As for the methodological route, the time horizon of the resources analyzed corresponds to the last thirty years; being the main media, academic sources of university repositories, academic and research articles as thesis, works for obtaining degrees, literature and pedagogy magazines. In this sense, the structure of the work is composed of two thematic nuclei and five sub-themes in total. The first one, referred to children's literature and moral formation in childhood, with sub-themes such as literature and the children's reader as a public moral formation in childhood and the moralizing discourse of children's literature. The second one, conceived as children's literature and the development of ethical reflection in primary education; being the subtopics, the characterization of children's literature as the promoters of ethical reflection and the narrative structure as the structure of ethical reflection. Finally, as final reflections, it has been observed that there is a greater tendency, in the international sphere, to investigate the relationship between children's literature and the process of ethical reflection; while in the Peruvian national sphere, there is little attachment to research on this topic; constituting an important milestone for the development of future research.
Literatura infantil, Valores, Educación primaria--Investigaciones
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