Estudio de caso de un estudiante de 9 años con dificultad en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y léxico ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El aprendizaje de la lectoescritura es un proceso progresivo que tiene su inicio en las etapas educativas
iniciales y que va perfeccionándose a lo largo de la etapa escolar. El caso en mención cursa el tercer grado de
primaria, presenta lectura y escritura imprecisas, motivo por el cual, el objetivo del presente trabajo es diseñar
un plan de evaluación e intervención acorde con las dificultades del caso. La intervención se realiza teniendo
en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación priorizando las habilidades necesarias para el grado en
tránsito. Se trabajó el proceso léxico mediante las rutas léxica y subléxica, a través de tareas de análisis y
síntesis, mejorando la precisión y fluidez de la lectura de palabras, permitiendo que el niño tenga acceso al
significado de las palabras al momento de la lectura. Asimismo, la intervención en el proceso sintáctico, en el
componente de signos de puntuación, permite un mejor desempeño en la precisión de la entonación en la
lectura. En cuanto a la escritura, al desarrollar la ortografía arbitraria del proceso léxico ortográfico, con el
mismo vocabulario de la lectura, logra desarrollar una escritura más precisa al tener mayor dominio en la
conversión fonema grafema. Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado demuestra que el desarrollo de
los procesos léxicos de la lectura y de la escritura unidos a los procesos sintácticos, impactan en el desempeño
del lenguaje escrito.
Literacy learning is a progressive process that begins in the initial educational stages and is perfected throughout the school stage. The case in question is in the third grade of primary school, presents imprecise reading and writing, which is why the objective of this work is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties of the case. The intervention is carried out taking into account the results obtained in the evaluation, prioritizing the skills necessary for the degree in transit. The lexical process was worked through the lexical and sublexic routes, through analysis and synthesis tasks, improving the precision and fluency of word reading, allowing the child to have access to the meaning of the words at the time of reading. Likewise, the intervention in the syntactic process, in the component of punctuation marks, allows a better performance in the precision of intonation in reading. As for writing, by developing the arbitrary spelling of the orthographic lexical process, with the same vocabulary of reading, he manages to develop a more precise writing by having greater mastery in phoneme-grapheme conversion. It is concluded that the applied intervention plan shows that the development of the lexical processes of reading and writing, together with the syntactic processes, impact on the performance of written language.
Literacy learning is a progressive process that begins in the initial educational stages and is perfected throughout the school stage. The case in question is in the third grade of primary school, presents imprecise reading and writing, which is why the objective of this work is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties of the case. The intervention is carried out taking into account the results obtained in the evaluation, prioritizing the skills necessary for the degree in transit. The lexical process was worked through the lexical and sublexic routes, through analysis and synthesis tasks, improving the precision and fluency of word reading, allowing the child to have access to the meaning of the words at the time of reading. Likewise, the intervention in the syntactic process, in the component of punctuation marks, allows a better performance in the precision of intonation in reading. As for writing, by developing the arbitrary spelling of the orthographic lexical process, with the same vocabulary of reading, he manages to develop a more precise writing by having greater mastery in phoneme-grapheme conversion. It is concluded that the applied intervention plan shows that the development of the lexical processes of reading and writing, together with the syntactic processes, impact on the performance of written language.
Educación primaria--Aspectos psicológicos--Estudio de casos, Lectura (Educación primaria)--Estudio de casos, Escritura (Educación primaria)--Estudio de casos