“Sin parrillero no hay parrilla”: Análisis y estrategia de comunicación para la marca Terraza Grill
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo recopila la investigación de mercado, desarrollo de branding y propuesta
de campaña para la marca Terraza Grill, que pertenece a la categoría de embutidos,
fiambres y hamburguesas. La marca dirigida a mujeres y hombres de 25 a 50 años, tiene
dos años en el mercado y carece de posicionamiento y reconocimiento sólido a diferencia
de su competencia. Es por ello que esta investigación busca solucionar la problemática del
cliente en base a su pedido, que consiste en posicionar a Terraza Grill como una marca
gourmet que proporciona productos de calidad y artesanales. Para ello, se desarrolla una
investigación con enfoque mixto: cualitativo y cuantitativo, dentro de las cuales se aplican
diferentes instrumentos, tales como encuestas, el cliente incógnito, entrevistas y focus
group. Los resultados evidencian que los parrilleros aprecian el reconocimiento de amigos y
familias al momento de realizar una parrillada. A partir de ello, la propuesta para la campaña
de lanzamiento de Terraza Grill se titula “Sin parrillero, no hay parrilla”. Como conclusión, en
la estrategia se divide al público comunicacionalmente. Por un lado, el grupo de 25 a 35
años, enfocado hacia los amigos; y por otro, el grupo de 36 a 50 años, centrado en la
familia. En ambos casos, la estrategia busca valorar, retribuir y agradecer la labor del
parrillero. Para lograrlo, se realiza una campaña digital de awareness y consideración con la
que se busca cumplir con los objetivos en base al brief del cliente.
The present work compiles the market research, branding development and campaign proposal for the Terraza Grill brand, which belongs to the category of sausages, cold meats and hamburgers. The brand, aimed at women and men between the ages of 25 and 50, has been on the market for two years and lacks solid positioning and recognition, unlike its competition. That is why this research seeks to solve the client's problem based on their request, which consists of positioning Terraza Grill as a gourmet brand that provides quality and artisan products. For this, a research with a mixed approach is developed: qualitative and quantitative, within which different instruments are applied, such as surveys, the unknown client, interviews and focus groups. The results show that grillers appreciate the recognition of friends and families when having a barbecue. Based on this, the proposal for the launch campaign of Terraza Grill is entitled "Without a grill, there is no grill". In conclusion, the strategy divides the public communicationally. On the one hand, the group of 25 to 35 years old, focused on friends; and on the other, the group from 36 to 50 years old, focused on the family. In both cases, the strategy seeks to value, reward and thank the work of the barbecue. To achieve this, a digital campaign of awareness and consideration is carried out with which it seeks to meet the objectives based on the client's brief.
The present work compiles the market research, branding development and campaign proposal for the Terraza Grill brand, which belongs to the category of sausages, cold meats and hamburgers. The brand, aimed at women and men between the ages of 25 and 50, has been on the market for two years and lacks solid positioning and recognition, unlike its competition. That is why this research seeks to solve the client's problem based on their request, which consists of positioning Terraza Grill as a gourmet brand that provides quality and artisan products. For this, a research with a mixed approach is developed: qualitative and quantitative, within which different instruments are applied, such as surveys, the unknown client, interviews and focus groups. The results show that grillers appreciate the recognition of friends and families when having a barbecue. Based on this, the proposal for the launch campaign of Terraza Grill is entitled "Without a grill, there is no grill". In conclusion, the strategy divides the public communicationally. On the one hand, the group of 25 to 35 years old, focused on friends; and on the other, the group from 36 to 50 years old, focused on the family. In both cases, the strategy seeks to value, reward and thank the work of the barbecue. To achieve this, a digital campaign of awareness and consideration is carried out with which it seeks to meet the objectives based on the client's brief.
Investigación de mercados, Alimentos, Posicionamiento (Publicidad), Campañas publicitarias
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