Como y por qué la Corte Superior de Justicia de Piura vulneró el Principio de legalidad según la sentencia del TC N° 06572-2006-PA/TC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tendrá como base de análisis la sentencia del tribunal constitucional
EXP. N.º 06572-2006-PA/TC. En este fallo el TC declara fundada la petición de la
demandante y declara nula la sentencia de la Corte Superior de Piura. Entendemos que la
Corte Superior de Piura cometió un error jurídico en este caso, pero ¿cuál? En el presente
trabajo se buscará demostrar que la Corte Superior de Justicia de Piura vulneró el
principio de legalidad, lo que nos llevará finalmente a estudiar el alcance de este principio
en su aplicación y sentido último, en el marco de un análisis argumentativo-jurídico del
discurso respecto a los principios y los derechos fundamentales.
The present work will have as a base of analysis the sentence of the constitutional court EXP. No. 06572-2006-PA/TC. In this ruling, the TC declares the plaintiff's petition founded and declares the judgment of the Superior Court of Piura null and void. We understand that the Superior Court of Piura made a legal error in this case, but which one? In the present work we will seek to demonstrate that the Superior Court of Justice of Piura violated the principle of legality, which will finally lead us to study the scope of this principle in its application and ultimate meaning, within the framework of an argumentative-legal analysis of the law. speech regarding fundamental principles and rights.
The present work will have as a base of analysis the sentence of the constitutional court EXP. No. 06572-2006-PA/TC. In this ruling, the TC declares the plaintiff's petition founded and declares the judgment of the Superior Court of Piura null and void. We understand that the Superior Court of Piura made a legal error in this case, but which one? In the present work we will seek to demonstrate that the Superior Court of Justice of Piura violated the principle of legality, which will finally lead us to study the scope of this principle in its application and ultimate meaning, within the framework of an argumentative-legal analysis of the law. speech regarding fundamental principles and rights.
Derecho--Filosofía, Derechos fundamentales--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Metodología jurídica--Perú, Lógica jurídica--Perú, Derecho constitucional--Jurisprudencia--Perú