¿Confiar o desconfiar?: la responsabilidad penal de los superiores jerárquicos en los delitos contra la administración pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La figura de los funcionarios públicos que ejercen cargos de poder ha jugado un rol
importante en el crecimiento de los índices de corrupción en nuestro país. En este
sentido, un tema necesario de desarrollo es la responsabilidad penal del superior
jerárquico en los delitos contra la administración pública, desde la imputación objetiva.
Ello con la finalidad de realizar un análisis respecto a la aplicación del principio de
confianza en este tipo de delitos que se desarrollan dentro de una estructura jerárquica
The figure of public officials who hold positions of power has played an important role in the growth of corruption rates in our country. In this sense, a necessary topic for development is the criminal responsibility of the hierarchical superior in crimes against the public administration, from objective imputation. This is in order to carry out an analysis regarding the application of the principle of trust in this type of crimes that take place within an organized hierarchical structure.
The figure of public officials who hold positions of power has played an important role in the growth of corruption rates in our country. In this sense, a necessary topic for development is the criminal responsibility of the hierarchical superior in crimes against the public administration, from objective imputation. This is in order to carry out an analysis regarding the application of the principle of trust in this type of crimes that take place within an organized hierarchical structure.
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Responsabilidad penal--Perú, Poder (Ciencias sociales)--Perú
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