Contar, Resistir y Luchar
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Contar, Resistir y Luchar es un documental realizado por Killas, una colectiva audiovisual
feminista y anticapitalista, que ante la coyuntura actual, decide hacer frente al sistema a través
del audiovisual. Este documental recoge las voces de tres mujeres trabajadoras del hogar, y la
hija de una de ellas, con la intención de trabajar estéticas singulares a cada historia de manera
que permita reflexionar e interpelar acerca de la situación que afrontan. Como se sabe, las
trabajadoras del hogar en el Perú han sido por mucho tiempo ignoradas, vulneradas y
racializadas. A pesar de que sean un sector bastante organizado sindicalmente, las personas
parecen no identificarse aún con su lucha. Es por esto que la importancia de este proyecto
radica en visibilizar el mundo interior de estas mujeres y exteriorizar sus formas de ver el
mundo siendo trabajadoras del hogar. Considerando lo anterior, el documental tiene como
objetivo llegar a grandes públicos, ya sea en colegios, universidades, barrios y comunidades,
junto a la presencia de las mujeres del sindicato, para que su lucha sea escuchada en más
espacios. Asimismo, es valioso ya que son ellas mismas las que se representan a través de sus
testimonios y sus voces. Es, en este sentido, un trabajo colaborativo entre estas mujeres
trabajadoras del hogar y Killas.
Desde una perspectiva del feminismo anticapitalista, que es desde donde nos posicionamos
nosotras, abrazamos la lucha de las mujeres de este sector. Asimismo, entendemos que el
problema es estructural y que estas inequidades responden a un sistema patriarcal, capitalista y
neoliberal. Sabemos que es necesario luchar desde donde podamos hacerlo y nosotras elegimos
hacerlo desde lo audiovisual. Contar, Resistir y Luchar es también nuestra primera pieza
comprometida con la lucha feminista.
Contar, Resistir y Luchar is a documentary made by Killas, a feminist and anti-capitalist audiovisual collective that, given the current situation, has decided to confront the system through audiovisuals. This documentary collects the voices of three women that are domestic workers, and the daughter of one of them, with the intention of working on unique aesthetics to each story in a way that allows them to reflect on and question the situation they face. Is common knowledge that domestic workers in Peru have been long ignored, violated and racialized. Despite the fact that they are a fairly union-organized sector, people still seem to not identify with their cause. This is why the importance of this project lies in making the inner world of these women visible and externalizing their ways of seeing the world as domestic workers. Considering the above, the documentary aims to reach large audiences, be it in schools, universities, neighborhoods and communities, together with the presence of women of the union, so that their fight is heard in more spaces. Likewise, it is valuable since they are the ones who represent themselves through their testimonies and their voices. It is, in this sense, a collaborative work between these women domestic workers and Killas. From an anti-capitalist feminism perspective, which is where we stand, we embrace the fight of women in this sector. Likewise, we understand that the problem is structural and that these inequities respond to a patriarchal, capitalist and neoliberal system. We know that it is necessary to fight from where we can and we choose to do it from the audiovisual. Contar, Resistir y Luchar is also our first piece committed to the feminist struggle.
Contar, Resistir y Luchar is a documentary made by Killas, a feminist and anti-capitalist audiovisual collective that, given the current situation, has decided to confront the system through audiovisuals. This documentary collects the voices of three women that are domestic workers, and the daughter of one of them, with the intention of working on unique aesthetics to each story in a way that allows them to reflect on and question the situation they face. Is common knowledge that domestic workers in Peru have been long ignored, violated and racialized. Despite the fact that they are a fairly union-organized sector, people still seem to not identify with their cause. This is why the importance of this project lies in making the inner world of these women visible and externalizing their ways of seeing the world as domestic workers. Considering the above, the documentary aims to reach large audiences, be it in schools, universities, neighborhoods and communities, together with the presence of women of the union, so that their fight is heard in more spaces. Likewise, it is valuable since they are the ones who represent themselves through their testimonies and their voices. It is, in this sense, a collaborative work between these women domestic workers and Killas. From an anti-capitalist feminism perspective, which is where we stand, we embrace the fight of women in this sector. Likewise, we understand that the problem is structural and that these inequities respond to a patriarchal, capitalist and neoliberal system. We know that it is necessary to fight from where we can and we choose to do it from the audiovisual. Contar, Resistir y Luchar is also our first piece committed to the feminist struggle.
Películas documentales, Empleadas domésticas--Perú, Relaciones de género, Mujeres--Trabajo
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